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Artículos sobre Narcissism

Mostrando 61 - 70 de 70 artículos

Narcissism is the current favoured scapegoat for our interpersonal and social ills. Beks

Why are we so obsessed with self-obsession?

Narcissism is the current favoured scapegoat for our interpersonal and social ills. But guess what? We are all infected – especially you!
Research has found some children become narcissists because their parents teach them they are more special than other kids. Shutterstock

Why some children think they’re more special than everyone else

Narcissistic children feel superior to others, believe they are entitled to privileges and crave admiration from others. When they don’t get the admiration they want, they may lash out aggressively. Why…
Double-duckface-synchronised-selfie. Very fresh, very now. Chris Gansen

Note to selfie: you’re more than just a narcissist’s plaything

We truly live in a digital age. The “selfie”, has been announced by the Oxford English Dictionary as this year’s most popular word and, by me, as this year’s most unremarkable word. This new-found trend…
Tag me, tag me. OK I’ll do it myself. Ambuj Saxena

Narcissism on social media tells us a lot about ourselves

An increasing number of studies into the correlation between social media and narcissistic tendencies confirm what many of us already suspect. We see teenagers spending hour after hour with their phones…

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