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Artículos sobre Tourism

Mostrando 481 - 500 de 517 artículos

A scuba diving tourist feeds a giant potato cod in the Great Barrier Reef. Pete Niesen/

Dredging set to swamp decades of Great Barrier Reef protection

After decades of work, A$200 million in taxpayer funding and even more from farmers’ pockets, we finally have a rare good news story to tell about the Great Barrier Reef. Thanks to an extraordinary effort…
Singapore’s Marina Bay is viewed as a role model for casino precincts. Slack12/Flickr

Casino precincts and tourism: gambling our way to prosperity?

Last month Queensland Premier Campbell Newman called for expressions of interest to develop a major integrated resort casino precinct within the Brisbane CBD. The vision is for a new casino surrounded…
There was a 257% increase in the decade from 1995 to 2005 in caravan registrations. suziesparkle

Grey nomads drive caravan boom but camp spots decline

Travelling baby boomers, grey nomads and younger, adventure-seeking families are driving a rapid resurgence in caravan registrations at a time when traditional caravan park spots are in consistent decline…
Brits need to clean up their act when travelling overseas. Flickr: wanderinghome

Brits behaving badly: new report details travel troubles

Deaths, arrests, missing passports, hospitalisations, rapes and sexual assaults - it’s holiday season and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has published its annual report on British behaviour…
A marathon on Mount Everest. Increasing numbers of people scaling the world’s tallest peak are changing the culture among climbers. EPA/Himex

Because it is there: commercialising Mount Everest

On May 15, 2006, a mere 300 metres from the summit of Everest, [David Sharp sat just off the climbing route dying](, starved of oxygen, slowly drowning…
This proposed redevelopment of the Avon River is one of many initiatives designed to revive Christchurch’s tourism industry. AAP

Small steps towards recovery for Christchurch tourism

Last Friday marked two years since the earthquake which devastated the Christchurch CBD, and caused the death of over 180 people. The quake destroyed or severely damaged thousands of homes and businesses…
Qantas has chosen to partner with Emirates in what some see as a shift away from Asia. AAP/Barbara Walton

New travel data shows importance of Asia routes to Qantas

Qantas’ decision to strengthen its ties with Dubai-based airline Emirates and scale back its relationship with British Airways has been placed under a new shadow, following the release of new travel data…
Previously close, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and Tourism Australia chairman Geoff Dixon are now at loggerheads after Joyce withdrew $44 million funding from TA. But Joyce is determined his positioning strategy for Qantas won’t be disrupted. AAP

Will tourist operators end up getting lost in Qantas/TA face-off?

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce is a master of brinkmanship. The withdrawal of $44 million of marketing support to Tourism Australia based on the perception of a conflict of interest with the board chairman, Geoff…
It’s easy to find examples of good development in national parks - Cradle Mountain Lodge, for example - and examples of where it hasn’t worked. Michael Dawes

Is nature-based tourism development really what our national parks need?

You’d be hard pushed to find someone who doesn’t love national parks, either as visitors or as reasonably-minded bystanders. But can those parks be loved to death? And, if so, who should step in to help…
CSIRO’s ‘Our Future World’ report predicts more conflicts over scarce resources, including water. AAP

CSIRO defines six ‘megatrends’ that will change our lives

Humanity will find new ways to do more with less, climate change will have a far-reaching impact, and personal experiences will trump products according to CSIRO’s latest global megatrends report. CSIRO…

Indians rank Australia highly

Indians’ ranking of Australia as a good place to do business, study or travel has risen to 8th out of 38 countries, up from…
Regional Victorian tourism is likely to feel the impact of Victoria’s recent TAFE cuts, which follow bi-partisan policy failure around competition.

TAFE troubles puts Victoria’s tourism competitiveness at risk

Tourism and hospitality course closures have featured prominently in the recent announcements about redundancies flowing from the estimated $200 million of Victorian TAFE funding cuts. While the causes…
Quarries and quandaries: Australia’s natural splendour is a major source of income, yet it sits uncomfortably with mining’s spread. AAP/Fantasea Adventure Cruising

Mining and the environment: the future of Australia’s brand

Australia has built a strong global brand based on its iconic natural beauty. For example, the new Australia Tourism campaign, “There’s nothing like Australia”, features icons like the Kimberley, Uluru…
Familiar territory: Australia’s tourism pitch to China was well received, but it could have been more adventurous. AAP

A national tourism campaign that takes risks will travel well for Australia

In a symbolic move, Tourism Australia chose Shanghai to launch its new “There’s Nothing Like Australia” campaign. The classic advertising imagery returns us to the pre-Hogan era, before Paul invited prospective…
Arise marsupial: the NSW town of Campbelltown could be the place to claw back Big Koala status from this one at Dadswell Bridge, Victoria. Flickr/pixelhut

High time for NSW to have a Big Koala debate

One of Campbelltown Council’s councillors, facing re-election in the upcoming elections, recently suggested that the city should construct a “Big Koala” (BK) in the style of other “big local features…
Chinese airlines are on the rise. AAP/James Morgan

Taming the tigers: tourism in Asia to become a two-way street

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Professor Brian King crunches…

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