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Artículos sobre Toxic masculinity

Mostrando 81 - 98 de 98 artículos

The original Halloween movie has been remade for 2018. Dimension Films

Harnessing the power of fear

We love to be scared by creepy movies. But fear has other uses too. It can be used negatively by politicians to control us, but can also be a tool to harness internal change.
Countries such as England and Canada have adopted more progressive approaches to inclusive sex education than Australia has.

Why education about gender and sexuality does belong in the classroom

Sex, sexuality, respectful relationships, and gender all need to be discussed in schools as a measure to combat discrimination against LGBTQ people, rising rates of STIs and violence against women.
A review of the prevalence of child sex abuse around the world shows that one in five females are affected and one in 13 males. (Shutterstock)

We must listen to male sexual abuse victims #too

In the wake of the #Metoo movement, and with the goal of transforming toxic masculinity into compassionate masculinity, we must create new spaces to listen to male victims of child abuse too.
Scene from the movie, Troy, loosely based on Homer’s Iliad. (Troy)

Toxic masculinity fostered by misreadings of the classics

A classics professor is haunted by the co-optation of his discipline by the so-called “alt-right,” toxic masculinity and other self-styled “defenders of Western civilization.”
Sexual harassment scandals have altered and cut short many careers, including those of former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly (left), former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick (center) and late former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. AP Photo

How companies can learn to root out sexual harassment

Human resources professionals should be trained at school and encouraged on the job to take employee complaints seriously. But that’s not how the profession works now.

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