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Artikel-artikel mengenai Animal rights

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 71 artikel

Catnip induces changes in cat behavior. Anna Hoychuk

Is it unethical to give your cat catnip?

Catnip can induce changes in cat behavior. An expert argues that giving it to cats raises questions about human power and animal autonomy.
Is it ethical to eat meat? Ewan Munro

What philosophers have to say about eating meat

The coworking company, WeWork, has banned meat, citing an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint. For centuries, philosophers have made a moral case against meat-eating.
A Polish cow who escaped while on her way to the slaughterhouse is seen here with her new companions, a herd of wild bison. It’s time to treat the animals who work so hard for us with humanity and compassion. (Rafal Kowalczyk via AP)

Beyond beasts of burden: How to reward our animals for their work

Animals do so much work for humans, from farm animals who die to feed us to service animals helping veterans with PTSD. It’s time we gave back by providing humane living and working conditions.
A makeshift shrine to Harambe, the zoo gorilla whose death has raised some uncomfortable moral questions. William Philpott/Reuters

How do we weigh the moral value of human lives against animal ones?

We tend instinctively to value human lives over non-human ones. But is there a point where the scales might tip the other way?

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