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Artikel-artikel mengenai Corals

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 91 artikel


It might be the world’s biggest ocean, but the mighty Pacific is in peril

The Pacific Ocean produces oxygen, helps regulates the weather, provides food and livelihoods. It’s a place of fun, solace and spiritual connection. But its delicate ecology is under threat.
A school of juvenile bocaccio in the midwaters of Platform Gilda, Santa Barbara Channel, Calif. Scott Gietler

Retired oil rigs off the California coast could find new lives as artificial reefs

Californians love their coast and strongly oppose offshore drilling. Will they support converting old oil rigs to artificial reefs – a policy that benefits both marine life and oil companies?
Recent marine heatwaves have devastated crucial coastal habitats, including kelp forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs. Dan Smale

Suffering in the heat: the rise in marine heatwaves is harming ocean species

Marine heatwaves, like their land counterparts, are growing hotter and longer. Sea species in southeastern Australia, southeast Asia, northwestern Africa, Europe and eastern Canada are most at risk.
Staghorn and tabular corals suffered mass die-offs, robbing many individual reefs of their characteristic shapes. ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies/ Mia Hoogenboom

How the 2016 bleaching altered the shape of the northern Great Barrier Reef

The 2016 bleaching event resulted in 30% mortality on the Great Barrier Reef, with many corals dying of the heat before they bleached and the loss of branching corals creating less complex reef structure.
The increasingly bleached coral at Black Point on the Cobourg Peninsula is a worrying sign of what’s to come for other coral reefs in Australia. Alan Withers

New coral bleaching outbreak in NT a worrying sign of our warming oceans

Coral bleaching has struck the Northern Territory, adding urgency to the need for better national management strategies for our warming oceans.
How the Great Barrier Reef can be helped to help repair the damaged reef. AIMS/Neal Cantin

The Great Barrier Reef can repair itself, with a little help from science

Corals on the Great Barrier Reef that are tolerant to warmer waters can be used to help repair other parts of the reef damaged by recent coral bleaching events.
The southern Great Barrier Reef escaped both of the recent mass bleaching events. But time is running out. AAP Image/ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Tory Chase

The world’s coral reefs are in trouble, but don’t give up on them yet

Tropical coral reefs can be saved from climate change and other pressures, but the window of opportunity is closing. And reefs are guaranteed to be markedly different in the future.
We think of coral reefs as a diverse ecosystem, but each coral is an entire and complex microworld of organisms imperceptible to our eyes. Floriaan Devloo-Delva

What we have in common with corals and their unexplored microbial world

Just like humans, corals live with myriad microscopic organisms. We are just starting to understand this unseen world.

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