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Artikel-artikel mengenai Inclusion

Menampilkan 81 - 100 dari 105 artikel

Loneliness affects one in three people in the industrialized world, with racialized groups disproportionately bearing the burden. (Pexels/EricW)

Cancer and loneliness: How inclusion could save lives

Pluralism — the active process of inclusion — could reduce disparities in some of the most pressing health issues of our time.
Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, watching the installation of a menorah outside Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

With anti-Semitism on the rise again, there are steps everyone can take to counter it

On top of the rising number of violent acts and vandalism incidents, American Jews are dealing with microagressions and prejudice that take a toll on their lives.
The development of an inclusive environment both at school and at home can help children understand and accept differences and reduce bullying. (Shutterstock)

The real way to prevent bullying: Create inclusive homes and classrooms

As Pink Shirt Day approaches, early childhood educators offer practical strategies for parents and teachers to create an inclusive environment and reduce bullying.

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