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Artikel-artikel mengenai Learning disability

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If teachers were to only address the skills, knowledge and referral protocols that Ontario’s Human Rights Commission recommends, students wouldn’t have essential knowledge to support their reading. (Shutterstock)

Why Ontario’s ‘Right to Read Inquiry’ needs to broaden its recommendations

Direct instruction matters in learning to read, but reading can’t happen unless children are supported in making connections to what they know and their experiences.
Lack of access to quality reading instruction and early diagnoses and intervention of reading disorders can have significant, long-lasting effects. (Shutterstock)

Reading struggles? Don’t wait to advocate for your child

Early intervention with reading challenges has very high success rates for supporting reading development, but it is much more difficult to improve reading skills in older students.
William “Rick” Singer, front, is alleged to have helped some families secure fake learning disability diagnoses. Here he exits U.S. federal court in Boston after he pleaded guilty to charges in a nationwide college admissions bribery scandal, March 12, 2019. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

U.S. college admissions scandal means more skepticism of genuine invisible disabilities

Abuses of disability diagnoses cheat students with disabilities who are now more likely to face skepticism about their diagnoses.
Research shows that night waking in infancy is associated with behavioural control challenges at three and four years of age. (Shutterstock)

Children and sleep: How much do they really need?

Poor sleep in infants and children has been linked to an array of problems, from aggression to poor school performance to diabetes, obesity and suicide. Our expert reviews the science.
Planning is important for any teen on their way to college – but for those with disabilities, it’s absolutely imperative. NCVO London

Helping your student with disabilities prepare for the future

Numerous measures are in place to help young disabled children thrive, but the transition beyond school can be a difficult one. Here are some tips for families to help their children prepare for life beyond.
Though challenges like dyslexia can make learning difficult, these disabilities shouldn’t define who you are – or what you can do. Tim Kwee

Learning disabilities do not define us

The story of a six-year-old boy with dyslexia who, with support from friends and teachers, became a successful professor. Now he teaches teachers how to help children like him.
Whether you have a physical disability, mental illness or learning challenge, there are strategies to help you earn your degree. Stocksnap

How to succeed in college with a disability

For many disabled students, college is the first time that they’re put to the test of making their own way. The experience can be challenging, but there are strategies to help ease the way.

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