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Artikel-artikel mengenai Misogyny

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Anti-discrimination laws specifically cover gender, but the same is not true for many hate speech statutes in Australia. Shutterstock

The gender gap in Australia’s hate speech laws

It’s a crime in many states and territories to publicly threaten or incite violence toward someone based on race, religion and sexual orientation. But what about gender?
Women gather outside of the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2013 to dance as a part of the One Billion Rising movement, a global campaign by women for women which calls for the an end to violence against women. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Everyday terrorism: A woman or girl is killed every other day in Canada

We tend to pay attention to mass killings and terrorism. But one girl or woman is killed every other day in Canada. If we identify that as terrorism, we might pay more attention and do something.
With some foul-mouthed words to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator David Leyonhjelm has turned a debate about the safety of women into a sleazy political sideshow. AAP/Mick Tsikas/Sam Mooy

Sexist abuse has a long history in Australian politics – and takes us all to a dark place

Many female politicians have had to endure sexist abuse, from Cheryl Kernot to Julia Gillard to Sarah Hanson-Young. And it is not a matter that should simply be brushed aside.
Cowboys Coyote Quartet, Glacier National Park, April 17, 1927. Tullio Saba/Flickr

The bogus ‘crisis’ of masculinity

The notion of a ‘crisis of masculinity" clouds the understanding of complex social phenomena and falsely asserts a vision of humanity as being radically divided between men and women.
A group of women pay their respects at a memorial wall dedicated to the victims of the Toronto van attack. Wednesday, April 25, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

If misogyny was a factor, is Toronto rampage a terrorist act against women?

The word “terrorism” has not been used officially to describe the Toronto van attack. But if it’s shown the accused was inspired by misogyny, Canadian law allows for terror to be added to murder charges. Should it?
Two students comfort each other during a candlelight vigil held to honour the victims of Elliot Rodger in Isla Vista, Calif., in May 2014. Was Toronto’s van attack suspect inspired by Rodger? (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

The dark possible motive of the Toronto van attacker

Was the suspect in Toronto’s van attack inspired by a misogynist mass killer in the United States?
Heavy metal concert fans: there are striking differences in the emotional responses of fans and non-fans of death metal. Parth Joshi/flickr

Death metal is often violent and misogynist yet it brings joy and empowerment to fans

For non-fans, listening to death metal is a negative experience. But research has found the music has the opposite effect on fans, giving rise to positive experiences such as power, joy and peace.
A leading Twitch streamer was disciplined for gender bias. Screenshot of Trainwreckstv on Twitch

Can online gaming ditch its sexist ways?

Many online communities have developed toxic social norms, including sexist tendencies, that they will need to address as more members join in.

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