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Artikel-artikel mengenai Narendra Modi

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India’s main aim is to get electricity to more of the population - using renewables where possible. Jorge Royan/Wikimedia Commons

India chooses electricity and economics over emissions goals

India has pledged to ramp up renewable energy and make its economy more carbon-efficient. And while that will help cut emissions, the main motivation is to give power to the many who still lack access to electricity.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised economic growth and good times ahead for India, but faces many challenges. Jane Dempster/AAP

Speaking with: Anthony D'Costa on the challenges facing India’s economy

Speaking with Anthony D'Costa on the challenges facing India’s economy
With about half of its population under the age of 25, how will India create enough jobs to cater for the millions of young people entering its workforce?
Some have accused Narendra Modi of leading a ‘directionless’ government, but his focus has been on tackling some of India’s biggest pain points. Harish Tyagi/EPA/AAP

Critics of Modi’s first year forget the legacy he faced

Given the legacy issues Modi had to take on, his first year in office stands up to criticism.
The main strategy of Modi’s economic advisers in the first year has been to treat the Indian economy as the proverbial elephant in the room. Xing Zhe CHINA OUT/EPA/AAP

No, India isn’t outpacing China, and other Modi myths

Mindful of the short attention span of voters, Modi’s economic advisers have been careful to avoid selling economic policy as the answer to India’s problems.
If achieved, the huge task of cleaning up India will significantly contribute to improving public health. Piyal Adhilary/EPA/AAP

Modi’s health agenda fit to walk not run

India’s Modi-led progress on sanitation, rivers and life insurance is overshadowed by the need for a professionally staffed public health service.
Modi’s visible international engagement has been as much for domestic as international consumption. Yonhap South Korea Out/EPA/AAP

Modi the statesman must now sell domestic reform

Modi’s first year in office saw him visit 19 countries, spending 52 days abroad. But his energy shown overseas has not been matched by the requisite zeal for domestic economic reform.
With Modi at its heart, discussion about India’s development remains overly simplistic. Gopal Shetty/Newzulu/AAP

India’s development debate must move beyond Modi

One year on from his swearing in, Modi’s “more governance, less government” mantra is coming unstuck, and simplistic public debates are not helping.
Much to talk about: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang chat during a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. EPA/Kenzaburo Fukuhara

India and China move closer as Modi tours ‘Act East’ policy

India wants closer engagement with its neighbours as it aspires to become a global manufacturing hub. Narendra Modi’s visits to China, Mongolia and South Korea are all about promoting this agenda.
Aam Admi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal addresses supporters after a landslide win of historic proportions in the Delhi state election. EPA

The honeymoon is over for India’s Modi, thanks to Delhi’s ‘AK-67

A taste of the unpredictable, raucous world of Indian politics came to the Adelaide Oval as India played Pakistan in their Cricket World Cup showdown. In front of me was an India supporter wearing a Modi…
Something’s rotten… UTV Motion Pictures

Shakespeare wades into Indian freedom of expression row

A recent adaptation of Hamlet caused outrage in India, flagging up just how deep the rift between artistic culture and so called “Indian values” runs. When the trailer for Haider, Vishal Bhardwaj’s Kashmir-set…

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