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Artikel-artikel mengenai Public hospitals

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 69 artikel

It’s basically impossible to tell the difference between various policies and levels of cover. from

Is the investment in private health insurance worthwhile?

For the first time in 15 years, as premiums and complaints rise, the proportion of the population with private health insurance is declining.
When doctors aren’t engaged, things can go tragically wrong. Shutterstock.wavebreakmedia

How your doctors’ job satisfaction affects the care you receive

Highly engaged doctors do much better on a wide range of important measures, from clinical performance, financial management and safety indicators to patient experience and overall quality standards.
The health sector can learn from other industries that turn to operations research to fix everyday challenges. Anna Jurkovska/Shutterstock

Hospitals don’t need increased funding, they need to make better use of what they’ve got

Fixing the hospital system is not just a matter of more funding. Hospitals need to work smarter, not harder.
The most common reason for choosing private hospitals is shorter waits for elective surgery. Richard Lyons/Shutterstock

Which are better, public or private hospitals?

Around a quarter of people with private health insurance still choose to use the public system. Why?
Patients often rely on their GP to make the choice of specialist for them through the referral process with little or no discussion of prices. gtfour/Shutterstock

How much?! Seeing private specialists often costs more than you bargained for

Why is it so difficult to find out exactly how much it’s going to cost to have that suspicious mole removed or to be admitted to hospital for that colonoscopy or hip replacement?
One element of emergency departments (EDs) which can cause frustration is the triage assessment. Presidencia de la República Mexicana/Flickr

From triage to discharge: a user’s guide to navigating hospitals

Whether it’s an emergency or a planned admission, going to hospital can be anxiety inducing – not knowing where you’re heading or who will be looking after you. Here’s a cheat sheet to guide you.
State health departments should continuously monitor the hospital activity data it collects for red flags. Tyler Olson/Shutterstock

How can we save lives in hospitals? Start by looking for and investigating red flags

Seven babies died unnecessarily at Bacchus Marsh hospital between 2013 and 2014. The My Hospitals website and other reporting mechanisms gave no sign of any problems.
The issue came to a head last year when the federal budget ripped billions of dollars of hospital funding from the states. Shutterstock

Remind me again, what’s the problem with hospital funding?

State and territory leaders will meet in Sydney today to nut out solutions to health and education funding gaps. But what exactly is the problem they’re hoping to address?

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