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Artikel-artikel mengenai Public relations

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 62 artikel

High surf in Vero Beach, Fla. in advance of Hurricane Dorian. AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Good communication is a key part of disaster response

Social media make it easier to push information out quickly during disasters, but also create challenges for public information officers, who have to judge which reports are credible enough to share.
The goal of every public appearance or interview by a politician is to “stay on message”. In itself, it’s not a malign tactic but the constant repetition of the same messages without answering questions can be a form of obfuscation. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

The vomit principle, the dead bat, the freeze: how political spin doctors’ tactics aim to shape the news

Any good political spin doctor employs a range of overt and covert tactics to get their message across. Here are some of the most common ones.
Do you distrust the companies that profit from the goods and services you buy? Research suggests most of us do. (Shutterstock)

Why we think businesses are out to get us

Research shows that consumers don’t like it when businesses make money. Why?
A classic example of successful issue management is the NRA’s actions in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting. Brian Snyder/Reuters

What the NRA can teach us about the art of public persuasion

In the wake of the Vegas shooting, the NRA has turned the public’s attention away from the core issue of banning guns by using a business strategy called issue management.
Is public relations simply a more insidious form of fake news? Nick Lehr/The Conversation via

Putin’s flacks: Russia’s stealth public relations war

Russia has seized upon loopholes in lobbying laws, hiring PR firms to influence American public opinion and policy in ways that advance Russia’s strategic interests.
Mishaps can spiral out of control quickly these days. Kamil Krzaczynski/AP Photo

How social media turned United’s PR flub into a firestorm

Incidents that may have been mere hiccups a few years ago today can go viral in an instant, causing a massive backlash and leaving some of the biggest companies wrong-footed.

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