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Artikel-artikel mengenai Video games

Menampilkan 341 - 360 dari 369 artikel

The supposed link between videogames and violence is riddled with holes. Rudy Lara

Bite the bullet: videogames don’t make deadly shooters

Is there an explicit link between playing violent videogames and becoming a deadly killer? If we are to take seriously a new study published in the journal Communication Research, there seems to be. Cue…
The fact a pleasurable behaviour is done to excess does not necessarily mean it’s an addiction. PhotoCatcher

Videogame addiction – fact or fantasy?

I am a Warcraft widow, an affectionate term given to those who have “lost” a partner to World of Warcraft (WoW) as a result of excessive game-playing. I have first-hand experience of the way games such…
The boundary between the military and everyday life is being eroded by videogames.

Anders Breivik, videogames and the militarisation of society

The ongoing trial of Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Breivik has generated a great deal of media coverage, public debate and analysis. Much of this has focused on claims made by Breivik that he used…
Playing violent games didn’t make Anders Breivik a mass-murderer. alessio.sartore

Videogames, aggression, Anders Breivik – let’s not join the dots

“Violent videogames cause people to become violent in real life”. It’s a familiar refrain for anyone who has read a newspaper in the last 15 years. Today, the media reporting surrounding the trial of accused…
People have always sent each other letters, but now they can be worth “triple words”. Brandice Schnabel

Words With Friends, Draw Something … are you addicted to social gaming?

They are everywhere: people in cafés or supermarket queues, staring at their smartphones with determined concentration, occasionally shuffling yellow tiles of letters to use all of them in a killer move…
Do confusing videogame controllers prevent you from gaming? They shouldn’t. Jeff the Trojan

Everyone’s invited … so why aren’t more of us gaming?

To the uninitiated, videogames have a bit of a reputation for being a difficult media form. A control pad, for such people, can be a cold and grey device covered with alien buttons, intimidating and unwelcoming…
Games have come a long way … as has our understanding of how games affect us. gseven

I want to play videogames when I grow up (and so should you)

Just like rock music in the 1950s, Dungeons & Dragons in the 1980s, and death metal in the 1990s, videogaming has been demonised by parent groups. For decades, gamers were portrayed as obese social…
The gaming industry’s decade-long journey might soon be over. Bethesda Softworks

R18+ classification for videogames … the quest continues

Late last week Federal Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare introduced a bill to parliament that takes Australia one step closer to an R18+ classification for videogames. No sooner had the classification…

Videogame tech enables cancer insights

Scientists at Wake Forest University are using the same graphics processing units (GPUs) found in video game devices to simulate…
Is it time to take your working life to another level? Holly Ford Brown

Gamification status: you score ten points for reading this article

A white paper was released this week stating that “Gen Y” employees could be better engaged and motivated by applying “game dynamics” to the workplace. Bunchball, the company behind the paper, would say…
Should battlefield rules apply to war-based videogames? reway2007

Caught in the Red Cross-hairs: gamers and the Geneva Convention

“There is [a worldwide] audience of approximately 600 million gamers who may be virtually violating International Humanitarian Law,” read the Daily Bulletin of the 31st International Conference of the…
Dopamine, which is released during gaming, can influence the wiring of the adolescent brain. Steven Andrew Photography

Pleasure centre: how video games affect young brains

Teens who frequently play video games have larger reward centres in their brains than those who play less often, according to a study published today in the journal Translational Psychiatry. The researchers…

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