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Bielefeld University

Bielefeld University (German: Universität Bielefeld) is a university in Bielefeld, Germany. Founded in 1969, it is one of the country’s newer universities, and considers itself a “reform” university, following a different style of organization and teaching than the established universities.

In particular, the university aims to “re-establish the unity between research and teaching”, and so all its faculty teach courses in their area of research. The university also stresses a focus on interdisciplinary research, helped by the architecture, which encloses all faculties in one great structure. It is among the first of the German universities to switch some faculties (e.g. biology) to Bachelor/Master-degrees as part of the Bologna process.

Bielefeld University has started an extensive multi-phase modernisation project, which upon completion in 2025 would result in completely new university buildings to replace the 40-year old main building. A total investment of more than 1 billion euros has been planned for this undertaking.[4]


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