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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 941 - 960 of 1082 articles

Star clusters with an intermediate mass and large size were not known – until now. Ani-Bee

Mind the gap: filling in the missing pieces for star clusters

My colleagues and I have confirmed the existence of a new type of star cluster – as published recently in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. But what are star clusters, and why do they…
Five Australian universities made Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s top 100 list. Flickr/

Rankings show ‘steady as she goes’ for Australian universities

The University of Melbourne has once again improved its position and remains Australia’s best university according to new university rankings released today. The Academic Ranking of World Universities…
The introduction of new-look smartphones such as the Z10 has done little to lift BlackBerry’s fortunes. Moridin_

Blackberry’s time has passed, as will the iPhone’s – such is the way

You’ll have seen the news about BlackBerry – the once undisputed champion in communications technology – essentially putting itself up for sale this week, and may be lamenting the decline of a tech giant…
The humanities are in trouble - but what can be done about it? Humanities image from

Why the humanities are in crisis

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal titled Humanities Fall From Favour reveals a further escalation in the crisis affecting the humanities. Harvard University, “a standard-bearer of American letters…
It’s not hard to see that caging people indefinitely behind razor wire does considerable harm. AAP

Before getting practical on asylum policy, let’s change our discourse

It was a foolish moment when prime minister Bob Hawke promised that by 1990 no child in Australia would be living in poverty. After all, what are the solutions to child poverty, to crime, to educational…
Understanding how the world works as a system is vital. Rigmarole

Does science literacy matter? Yes, and here’s why

When the email notice for The Weekend Conversation landed on Saturday, I was intrigued and slightly startled by the opening teaser from the site’s Science + Technology editor, Paul Dalgarno. He got one…
“Lawful interception” has been used by intelligence agencies for decades. Craig Does Stuff

US ‘choke-points’ for Australian telecoms data are no surprise

Hot on the heels of data analyst whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations about the existence of the PRISM electronic surveillance program operated by the United States’ National Security Agency since…
The antennas that capture low frequency radio waves at the Murchison Widefield Array radio telescope in Western Australia. AAP Image/Supplied by Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker

All the way with MWA: a big new telescope to unlock Big Bang secrets

Education minister Kim Carr today launched the Murchison Widefield Array, an important precursor telescope that will one day feed space data to the Square Kilometre Array telescope, allowing astronomers…
Artist’s composite of the CSIRO’s 64m Parkes Radio Telescope showing an extragalactic radio burst appearing briefly, far from the Milky Way’s disk. CSIRO/Harvard/Swinburne Astronomy Productions

Fast Radio Bursts: new intergalactic messengers

How many electrons are there in the universe? That may seem nigh on impossible to calculate – let alone comprehend – but the discovery of a new population of astrophysical events called Fast Radio Bursts…
This election is a serious choice about the type of society we want to become. AAP

Creating space for the leadership Australia needs

In a recent lecture, Ross Garnaut argued that after decades of prosperity, Australians must now choose between two radically different approaches to our problems. The choice is between a “business as usual…
The NSA PRISM program seems to trawl a lot of data, so how can we avoid being dragged in too? HasinHayder

Ten ways you can avoid being caught in the PRISM net

Last weekend, the Washington Post published a further four slides, leaked from the US National Security Agency (NSA), which outline how data is collected through the PRISM program. The process is fairly…
The ‘password pill’ slowly dissolves in your stomach, using digestive acid as a power source. Image from

A password you can swallow? Don’t hold your breath

Do you have trouble remembering all your passwords, PINs and identification codes? If you believe the hype, you could soon be swallowing away all your problems with a “password pill”. But don’t hold your…
Using nanotechnology, researchers have developed a technique to increase the data storage capacity of a DVD from a measly 4.7GB to 1,000TB. Nature Communications

More data storage? Here’s how to fit 1,000 terabytes on a DVD

We live in a world where digital information is exploding. Some 90% of the world’s data was generated in the past two years. The obvious question is: how can we store it all? In Nature Communications today…
The sacking of Melbourne Demons Coach Mark Neeld has parallels to business management. AAP

What big business can learn from football

It’s often said the AFL has become a big business, increasingly embodying many of the rules of the marketplace. But people rarely look at it the other way - that is, how business is like the AFL. The sacking…
Since 9/11, the US controls governing ‘lawful interception’ of communications have been loosened. Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA

PRISM schism: the NSA leaks reveal a broken system

If reports are to be believed, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has had “direct access” to systems run by Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Apple. While all the companies named have used similar words to…
Measuring the impact of research in the real world sounds a bit impossible, but Australia is going to do it anyway. Research image from

Research meets the real world – now comes the hard part

So you’re just recovering from the last ERA (Excellence for Research Australia) assessment? Dust yourself off, Excellence in Innovation for Australia (EIA) is heading our way. This is the new paradigm…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being negotiated as we speak, but inventors and internet users look to lose out. Ian.Go

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: a knockout blow for innovation?

Free trade: it sounds good for innovation, doesn’t it? Well, not necessarily - and here’s why. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement under negotiation among various Pacific Rim…
Are we seeing an education revolution or counter-revolution? James Bowe

On academic efficiency and the 2013 federal budget

As you may have noticed, the 2013 federal budget is out and, despite his best efforts, Euromoney’s “2011 Finance Minister of the Year” Wayne Swan has missed his earlier predicted budget surplus by almost…
Federal treasurer Wayne Swan’s election year budget has to reconcile huge revenue writedowns with spending promises for schools and the disability insurance scheme. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Federal budget 2013: expert reactions

Australian Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has handed down his sixth budget, facing an almost impossible task: how to reconcile an enormous revenue shortfall with big spending promises, all while keeping…


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