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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 921 - 940 of 1082 articles

To grow a green economy, you need to train workers in green skills. Green image from

Invest in training green collar workers for a greener future

Australians are often presented with a choice – you can either have more jobs or you can look after the environment. At least, that’s what some of the political rhetoric would have you believe. But what…
Victorian premier Denis Napthine accused the opposition of ‘hijacking democracy’ after an extraordinary week in Victorian state politics. What now? AAP/Julian Smith

Shaw, Smith, Napthine … just what is going on in Victoria?

Speaker Ken Smith has lost control of the Victorian parliament and the legislative agenda of premier Denis Napthine has ground to a halt. In an extraordinary move, Smith decided to shut down the Legislative…
A new review into how the government will fund university places will report early next year. AAP Image/Julian Smith

New government review to examine uncapped uni places

The government has appointed former Howard government education minister David Kemp and leading education academic Andrew Norton to review the demand driven funding system for higher education. Announcing…
The main mass of the Chelyabinsk meteorite is kept at the Chelyabinsk State Museum of Local History. The asteroid caused the largest airburst on the planet since the famed 1908 Tunguska event, which also occurred in Russia. Andrey Yarantsev

Chelyabinsk meteor explosion a ‘wake-up call’, scientists warn

Three studies have revealed details of the meteor that exploded above Russian city, Chelyabinsk, in February this year. Their findings, published today in a pair of papers in Nature and one in Science…
Treasurer Joe Hockey will not go ahead with a cap on self-education expenses. AAP

Coalition reprieve on self-education tax break

The Abbott government has abandoned Labor’s plan for a A$2000 cap on the amount people can claim for self-education expenses. As part of its review of 92 tax and superannuation announcements that have…
Dark matter is still a bit of mystery. Fractured Studios

Dark matter experiment finds nothing, makes news

A US team with a highly sensitive dark matter detector has just finished its first run. It has found nothing, and that is still big news. Physicists can explain accurately the behaviour of what makes matter…
Of course, there is no singular Indigenous Australia. Angelo Soulas/AAP

What is Indigenous Australia in 2013?

What is Indigenous Australia in 2013? To begin to answer this question, I believe it is important to proceed with a few key caveats: 1) There is no singular Indigenous Australia. Thus, anything written…
The RoboSoc team from UTS took out the prize for ‘Best Robot Design’ in this year’s National Instruments Autonomous Robotics Competition. UTS

Victoria University of Wellington crowned 2013 autonomous robot champions

A team of students from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) yesterday beat 15 other student teams from around Australia and New Zealand to win this year’s annual National Instruments Autonomous Robotics…
Solar is taking off in Australia’s suburbs, but what are inner-city livers to do? Duncan Rawlinson

How will your energy get greener? Depends where you live

In Australia’s middle and outer suburbs, rooftop solar technology provides a clear way to reduce the emissions from the energy our houses use. But higher density housing types (apartments and medium density…
Syncing a smartphone with your computer can provide external access to your data. Stephan Geyer

Another NSA entry point – and this time, it’s your smartphone

The US National Security Agency (NSA) leaks just keep coming. Only a few days after details of its software anti-cryptography hacks were exposed by The Guardian, New York Times and ProPublica, German news…
Workers install a fibre optic cable for the government’s National Broadband Network (NBN).

FactCheck: will the NBN take another 20 years to complete?

“At the current rate of roll-out, the National Broadband Network (NBN) won’t cover the whole country for 20 years.” – Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, National Press Club, 11 August. The above claim on the…
Nanostructures on wings of Green Hairstreak butterflies inspired the design of polarised light beamsplitters. nutmeg66

The butterfly effect: optical nanotechnology takes flight

When scientists look for keys to unlock problems such as quantum teleportation or faster internet speeds, answers can sometimes be found in the natural world. Controlling light at the nanoscale is necessary…
Prime minister Kevin Rudd, shaking hands with an employee of the Altona Toyota factory in 2008, sees economic productivity as an important issue. AAP

Election 2013 Issues: the way we work

Welcome to the **The Conversation Election 2013 State of the Nation* essays. These articles provide in-depth analyses of key policy challenges affecting Australia as the nation heads to the polls. Today…
The Coalition’s has proposed to return to temporary protection visas to clear the backlog of asylum seekers awaiting processing in Australia. AAP/Steve Lillebuen

Back to the future on temporary protection visas

For me, the TPV is a prison. Our life is without hope, or purpose. The simplest thing that a person wants in his life is hope. Without hope, life is meaningless. - Iraqi temporary protection visa holder…
Industry insiders spoke of how mainstream porn has moved from being ‘lovey dovey’ in the mid-1990s to rough and aggressive. Cher Amio/Flickr

Aggressive and debasing: the real issues in porn debates

It’s a well-worn political trick that you caricature and call your opponents names when you don’t want to engage with the substance of their claims. In debates about porn, pornography advocates often seek…
Being charitable should be part of what children are taught at home and at school. Gift image from

Giving the gift of giving: why children should be taught philanthropy

“Philanthropy” is usually a word we associate with the world of adults and rich people. Increasingly though, children from a spread of socio-economic backgrounds are participating in and learning about…


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