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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 521 - 540 of 2146 articles

Recent marine heatwaves have devastated crucial coastal habitats, including kelp forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs. Dan Smale

Suffering in the heat: the rise in marine heatwaves is harming ocean species

Marine heatwaves, like their land counterparts, are growing hotter and longer. Sea species in southeastern Australia, southeast Asia, northwestern Africa, Europe and eastern Canada are most at risk.
Speechless is a Perth Festival co-commission produced by Tura Music. Toni Wilkinson

The sounds of Speechless, where words are superfluous

Speechless is an opera written in response to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s 2014 report into children in immigration detention.
Garry Sibosado, Aalingoon (Rainbow Serpent), 2018, ochre pigment on engraved pearl shell, detail. Courtesy the artist

Desert River Sea is a vibrant, compelling tour of the Kimberley

Indigenous artists and arts centres from the Kimberley region were invited to help curate this new exhibition, presented as part of the Perth Festival 2019.
Detail of the Connecticut Inscription, with image enhancement. Centre for Rock Art Research and Management database

Rock art shows early contact with US whalers on Australia’s remote northwest coast

Etchings over much earlier Aboriginal engravings show foreign whalers made contact with Australia’s remote northwest long before colonial settlement of the area.
Leonard Cohen en uno de sus últimos conciertos. Shutterstock

La verdad oculta de la carta de despedida de Leonard Cohen a Marianne

El hermoso mensaje que dedicó el músico canadiense a su ex novia en su lecho de muerte se convirtió en un fenómeno viral. Pero las palabras que circularon en los medios y las redes sociales no son obra del creador de “So Long Marianne”.
Sunset is collaboration between freelance director and choreographer Maxine Doyle and Western Australia’s STRUT Dance, in association with Tura New Music. Simon Pynt

Sunset, a danced evocation of love, loss, and rebirth

As part of the 2019 Perth Festival, dance-theatre performance Sunset takes place in a former men’s home on the banks of the Swan River.
Shark Bay was hit by a brutal marine heatwave in 2011. W. Bulach/Wikimedia Commons

Shark Bay: A World Heritage Site at catastrophic risk

Everyone knows the Great Barrier Reef is in peril. But a continent away, Western Australia’s Shark Bay is also threatened by marine heatwaves that could alter this World Heritage ecosystem forever.
A visualisation of a Refuge City street scene. Richard Weller/Julian Bolleter

Refuge City, a new kind of city for our times

By adapting the charter city model to create a new city on the northern coast, Australia could be the world’s great 21st-century refuge.
Smiles from Prime Minister Scott Morrison and SA Premier Steven Marshall as the location of Australia’s Space Agency is revealed to be Adelaide, South Australia. Sam Wundke/AAP

Ten essential reads to catch up on Australian Space Agency news

The headquarters of the Australian Space Agency will be in Adelaide. So how did we get to this point? Here are ten essential reads to fill you in.
Les infections causées par la bactérie Pseudomonas aeruginosa sont longues à traiter, même avec les bons antibiotiques (vue d'artiste 3D inspirée de micrographies électroniques). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Medical Illustrator / CDC - James Archer

Quand les antibiotiques commencent-ils à faire effet ?

Il est difficile de prédire combien de temps après le début d’un traitement antibiotique l’amélioration se fait sentir. Mais si au bout de deux jours, vous allez plus mal, retournez consulter…


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