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University of Waikato

The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience, distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Today Waikato University is home to more than 12,000 students, based at its Hamilton and Tauranga campuses, which are both on the North Island of New Zealand.


Displaying 301 - 312 of 312 articles

Researchers have reviewed evidence for wildlife disturbance and current drone policies and found that the law is playing catch-up with emerging technology. Pip Wallace

Drones and wildlife – working to co-exist

The drone market is booming, with some unwanted consequences for wildlife. A new study argues that threatened species might need extra protections.
Snapper is one of the fish under New Zealand’s Quota Management system. from

New Zealand’s fisheries quota management system: on an undeserved pedestal

New Zealand’s fisheries are considered among the best managed in the world, but this perception doesn’t match the facts.
The IOC is seeking to address the problem of an ageing audience with the inclusion of more youth-focused action sports in the Olympics. FISE

Why are the Olympics in search of the X-factor?

The Japanese Olympic Committee recently announced five new sports for possible inclusion in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics: baseball/softball, karate, skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing.
David Bowie posing for the Aladdin Sane tour, 1973. Photograph by Masayoshi Sukita. Image courtesy of ACMI.

Bowie and gender transgression – what a drag

David Bowie has long confounded us with enigmatic acts of gender transgression, with gestures and personas drawn from Hollywood stars, literature and avant-garde art. That flame still burns brightly.
New Zealand PM John Key canvassing on the campaign trail. nznationalparty

When PISA meets politics – a lesson from New Zealand

“PISA shock” is the term that has been coined for the sense of political crisis and knee-jerk policy reaction that typically occurs when a country drops in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and…
Chertsey: never have so many, owed so much, to one sausage. Ki Price/PA

Beyond sandbags – how to defend your house from flooding

For much of the 20th century, faith has rested in bigger and better defences to hold back floodwaters. But repeated flooding has shown that large defences cannot, and should not, be the sole focus. The…
Passau, Germany under record flood waters. But who will pay for the clean up? Steve Parsons/PA

Governments shirk their responsibilities in the name of ‘resilience’

The 21st century appears to be one riven by shocks - whether terrorist, financial or climatic. In the aftermath, institutions, people, and societies more generally are frequently encouraged to be more…


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