The University of Wollongong has become a benchmark for Australia’s new generation of universities. It is ranked among the top 1% of universities in the world* and has built a reputation as an enterprising institution, with a multi-disciplinary approach to research and a personalised approach to teaching. Over 33,000 students are studying UOW degrees across nine campuses throughout Australia and internationally in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and Singapore.
Two researchers independently studied Australian students’ results. These papers both reached the same conclusions: scores on the vast majority of standardised assessments are not in decline.
Apartment residents need more sustainable, climate-adapted designs. They shouldn’t have to depend on costly, high-emissions air conditioning to remain comfortable and healthy.
The narrator of Charlotte Wood’s new novel has shed her life to live with nuns. The world intrudes in the form of COVID, a mouse plague and recovered bones, delivered by someone from her past.
The trigeminal nerve is at the heart of the sneeze reflex. But stopping a sneeze once triggered can increase its force and redirect pressure in dangerous ways.
There are more than 40,000 varieties of cultivated rice. If you’ve ever wondered about the differences between all the colourful rices at the supermarket, here’s a rundown.
Here are six books from Australian writers and illustrators that can help parents and carers look at issues related to climate change with children from preschool to late primary years.
Authors are furious about finding their works on pirated dataset Books3. Copyright is the usual avenue for redress, but while AI moves at speed, the law is slow – and not designed to combat AI issues.
Hoda Afshar is one of Australia’s most significant photo media artists. A Curve is a Broken Line at the Art Gallery of New South Wales is her first major survey exhibition.
While there have been significant improvements in the way complainants in particularly are dealt with in court cases, some old myths and stereotypes persist.
The sympathetic nervous system produces our fight-or-flight response to any perceived threat. The vagus nerves are part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which does the opposite.
Both major parties are promising major road projects this election. Meanwhile, the potential for passenger and freight rail to help meet the country’s climate goals seems stuck at the station.
After several decades in research, including 22 years at the Australian Antarctic Division, this scientist is standing up for our icy continent. Here’s why Antarctic research needs ongoing funding.
Pada tingkat yang paling dasar, otak melepaskan campuran bahan kimia. Namun, ternyata tidak sebatas itu saja. Inilah yang terjadi pada otak dan tubuh saat kamu jatuh cinta.
Director Radiation Research and Advice, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), and Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Wollongong