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Articles on France

Displaying 441 - 460 of 851 articles

French President Emmanuel Macron (C- bottom) poses with participants of the “Tech for Planet” event in Paris, on December 12, 2017, ahead of the One Planet Summit. Philippe Wojazer/AFP

France, the land of entrepreneurs…

In a recent Twitter post, French president Macron reminded the world that the word “entrepreneur” is in fact French.
Why isn’t sustainability a part of accounting training? (Shutterstock)

It’s time to train accountants in sustainability

Despite the leaders of both countries being champions of fighting climate change, research shows both Canada and France are failing to train their accountants in sustainability. Why?
Inside a power-plant cooling tower. Jakob Madsen/Unsplash

How are nuclear risks managed in France?

Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima demonstrated the difficulty of managing a disaster at a nuclear power plant. What is the situation in France?
“No Linky” posters in Montreuil, near Paris. The first one reads “Linky: You can say no.” The second reads “Linky spies on your private life.” Some residents fear data surveillance rather than looking at possible advantages of smart meters. Carole Salères

Linky: Do smart meters actually help reduce electricity consumption?

A recent study suggests that smart meters can help households reduce their electricity use by as much as 5%. Are France’s anti-Linky households listening?
Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez poses with his new cabinet, which has more women than men. AP Photo/Francisco Seco

Spain’s majority-female cabinet embodies women’s global rise to power

Once women gain access to the highest political ranks, their numbers continue to grow, a new study shows. Their presence lays a ‘concrete floor’ of inclusion for future governments to build on.
In 2016, Norwich City Football Club was one of dozens of English football teams that took part in the Stonewall Charity’s “Rainbow Laces” campaign to combat discrimination against LGBT fans and players.

Everyday homophobia and imposed heterosexuality in football

Football presents itself as a neutral, universal and, in a way, desexualised sport. Yet despite widespread campaigns against homophobia, deeply negative attitudes about gay players persist.

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