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Articles on US Civil War

Displaying 61 - 80 of 97 articles

Author Ta-Nehisi Coates, left, and actor Danny Glover, right, testify about reparation for the descendants of slaves during a hearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Capitol Hill on June 19, 2019. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

What Canada and South Africa can teach the U.S. about slavery reparations

Reparation opponents who oppose truth and reconciliation by insisting that America’s “original sin” of slavery is in the distant past should heed the lessons of Canada and South Africa.
The Fort Hood military base in Killeen, Texas. AP Photo/ Tamir Kalifa

10 US military bases are named after Confederate generals

In scrutinizing statues honoring Confederate figures, journalists have overlooked military bases named after generals who fought to defend the slavery of black people.
Police use water cannons against a demonstrator, Nantes, western France, on September 15, 2016. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

‘When the revolution becomes the State it becomes my enemy again’: an interview with James C. Scott

In an exclusive interview, Professor James Scott discusses anarchism and State resistance by so-called “powerless” actors. Excerpts for The Conversation France.
President Lincoln was represented by a lawyer who didn’t vote for him The White House

When presidents lawyer up: A brief history

President Trump is having trouble finding a lawyer. But other presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, have obtained outside legal counsel easily, even from attorneys who disagree with their politics.
LGBT veterans march in a Boston parade. Contrary to what some may say, the military has a long history of embracing socially marginalized groups. AP Photo/Steven Senne

The military, minorities and social engineering: A long history

Whether it be African-Americans, Catholics or transgender people, the armed forces have played a vital role in shaping US social policy toward the country’s minorities.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin offers details of his boss’ proposed tax cut. ‘It’s big.’ Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

Would Trump’s tax cut be the biggest ever? Fat chance

The bar for achieving that lofty goal was set almost 150 years ago when Congress cut taxes from as high as 10 percent to zero over two years.

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