The United States and Canada have approved the Pfizer vaccine for adolescents aged 12–15. The evidence so far tells us it works well and is safe for this age group.
President Biden has proposed spending $45 billion to replace every lead water pipe and service line in the nation. A public health expert explains why he sees this as a worthwhile investment.
It’s understandably frightening and distressing when your child stops breathing and passes out. But breath-holding spells are actually fairly common in young children, and not dangerous.
Scientists issued an urgent call for better federal regulation of these endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Here’s what you can do to reduce your family’s risk.
Lisa Mundy, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and George Patton, The University of Melbourne
Children who ‘passively’ use screens are more likely to suffer academically, a study found. But there was no evidence of a link between video games and academic performance.
A rare new disease syndrome appears to be caused by an overactive immune response in children, often hitting weeks after exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Governments must ensure access to preschool for all children, many of whom will have had their learning and development affected by COVID-19. It will help children recover, as well as the economy.