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Articles on job creation

Displaying 41 - 60 of 60 articles

Unemployment is compounded by the prospect of automation replacing humans in production chains. Reuters/Bobby Yip

How to create jobs in the age of robots and low growth

Rethinking work is crucial for industrialised and emerging economies, where job losses are being felt even in the presence of substantial, although diminishing, economic growth.
As degrees become more commonplace, African graduates are struggling more to find jobs. George Esiri/Reuters

If Africa grows its universities cleverly, its economies will flourish

Global economic realities shouldn’t deter African universities from continuing to push for massification. But they must do so armed with knowledge, lessons from elsewhere and strong funding models.
Agriculture remains the major source of employment in Ghana, even though its share in the economy has been in steady decline. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

Ghana needs a new strategy to create decent jobs and reduce inequality

Economic growth is a necessary condition for development. But it can only pass the sufficient condition test if growth translates into high-earning jobs. Ghana’s recent history illustrates this.
Fixing South Africa’s perilous education system will involve building consensus – a time-consuming process. Reuters/Rogan Ward

Too many economic cooks add to South Africa’s policy uncertainty

South Africa’s government should put more effort into developing concrete strategies for dealing with the factors preventing the removal of the critical constraints on economic growth.
New thinking the way to job creation for people in the 21st century. Flickr/Tim Robinson

We need new jobs as the machines do more of our work

The more we automate jobs, the more we need to find new jobs for people, especially if the government wants us to stay in the workforce longer. That’s going to take some clever thinking.
Treasurer Joe Hockey joins a long line of leaders unable to close the gap between promise and reality. Dave Hunt/AAP

Joe Hockey and the G20 headed for promise fatigue

Governments are notorious for missing targets. Look no further than France or Spain’s recent fiscal calumny, despite the European Union’s excessive deficit procedure. Closer to home, the Association of…
Tony’s Abbott’s pre-election jobs promise sounds impressive, but it’s actually under trend. AAP/Lukas Coch

Why Abbott’s two million jobs promise isn’t as good as it sounds

Creating more jobs is a rather common promise in politics. Some politicians are more daring in pledging to create a certain number of jobs within a given period of time. During the 2013 electoral campaign…
Where will the new jobs come from? le Haricot/Flickr. Artist credit: George Segal

Employment policy and job creation – some practical solutions

(COMMENTS UPDATED) In the lead up to last year’s federal election, the government promised two million new jobs within 10 years. Its focus was on the “five pillar economy” of manufacturing, agriculture…

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