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Articles on Occupational health and safety

Displaying 41 - 52 of 52 articles

People who experience compassion fatigue are taking on the issues they witness without an appropriate outlet. Mr.Nikon/Shutterstock

Compassion fatigue: the cost some workers pay for caring

Health and social workers often choose their profession because they want to help people. But seeing trauma and suffering on a regular basis can have a deep impact on these workers. “Compassion fatigue…
Occupational hazards. Dmitry Kalinovsky via Shutterstock

Hard Evidence: are work-related deaths in decline?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the regulatory agency with primary responsibility for enforcing health and safety law across British workplaces, has released its latest annual statistics. According…
Coalmining poses risks that can’t be managed away. AAP Image/Incident Control Centre Hazelwood

The real disaster, at Hazelwood and elsewhere, is brown coal itself

Fittingly for a report on a huge fire, the findings of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry act as a smokescreen for the bigger issues behind the disaster. Partly because of its narrow terms of reference, the…
Chain of responsibility laws mean all parties involved in the supply chain can be held responsible for infringements such as speed, fatigue, and heavy or unrestrained loads. Dan Peled/AAP

Pushing it up the chain: Why big business can’t ignore truck safety

Meeting corporate obligations along the supply chain is not just good practice - when it comes to workers’ safety, it’s the law. This came sharply into focus last week as raids and prosecutions of transport…
Australian Open staff and volunteers also suffered in the heatwave. AAP

Mad dogs and tennis players go out in the midday sun

On days when the Victorian Health Department issued Heat Health Alerts warning the extreme hot weather substantially increased the risk of heat-related illness and mortality, and outside work on Victorian…
Exposure to even a single fibre of asbestos dust can cause significant health problems. Image from

Health harms of asbestos won’t be known for decades

The digital age crashed into the bronze age when the roll out of Australia’s high-speed broadband network was disrupted by the discovery of asbestos in Telstra pits in recent weeks. Workplace relations…
We need to a fundamental rethink of how we deal with work-related back problems. Valerie Everett

Preventing back pain will require rethinking how we work

Nearly 10% of Australians (1.8 million people) have back problems, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (based on data from the 2007-08 National…

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