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Articles on Suicide risk

Displaying 21 - 36 of 36 articles

Vulnerability to suicide may build up throughout the course of life, and may start with events occurring in the perinatal period and infancy. (Shutterstock)

Understanding the early-life origins of suicide: Vulnerability may begin even before birth

Early life influences have been linked to higher risk of suicide later in life. Reducing those risks, and boosting resilience in children exposed to them, may help reduce suicide rates.
American Muslims are two times as likely to attempt suicide compared to other major faith groups. MmeEmil/E+ via Getty Images

American Muslims are at high risk of suicide – 20 years post-9/11, the links between Islamophobia and suicide remain unexplored

Islamophobia increased post-9/11. Twenty years later, American Muslims are still dealing with the mental health effects – and research barriers limit what is known about what puts them at risk.
There are many complex pandemic-related risk factors for suicide, and suicide prevention is a crucial public health response to COVID-19. (Pixabay/Canva)

Suicide prevention during COVID-19: The healing power of connection and mutual support

Combating catastrophic demoralization and suicidal thoughts during COVID-19 means supporting people to reconnect with their values, with meaning in life and with others.
When a student dies by suicide, university communities grapple with the fact that an opportunity for a suffering person to receive help was missed. (Pexels)

Compassionate ‘zero-suicide’ prevention on campuses urgently needed

As universities advocate for ‘zero suicide’ frameworks, it is important for university leaders to work at suicide awareness, prevention and response, and to reinforce a culture of compassion.
Mental disorders are treatable, but a key stumbling block towards positive campus responses in health care has been a lack of systematically collected data. (Shutterstock)

University student mental health care is at the tipping point

Mental health researchers based at Queen’s University in Canada and Oxford University in the U.K. are helping universities take the lead in developing improved student mental health care.
Anthony Bourdain, left, and Kate Spade, right. The Conversation with images from PeabodyAwards/flickr

Why predicting suicide is a difficult and complex challenge

The suicides this week of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain shocked and saddened many. And the news was disturbing. Why is it so hard to know who might commit suicide?

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