Individuals who experience suicidal thoughts can show signs of this in the language they use. We analysed more than 100 suicide notes to find these language patterns.
The evidence is growing that experiencing both systemic and everyday race-based discrimination may lead some Black Americans to become depressed and think about suicide.
Early life influences have been linked to higher risk of suicide later in life. Reducing those risks, and boosting resilience in children exposed to them, may help reduce suicide rates.
Islamophobia increased post-9/11. Twenty years later, American Muslims are still dealing with the mental health effects – and research barriers limit what is known about what puts them at risk.
Combating catastrophic demoralization and suicidal thoughts during COVID-19 means supporting people to reconnect with their values, with meaning in life and with others.
Rates of suicidal behaviour are higher among South African students than among the general population or students in other countries. Understanding why will help shape prevention efforts.
The U.S. suicide rate has been increasing for decades. According to a sociologist who studies suicide, depression is just one factor among many implicated social conditions.
As universities advocate for ‘zero suicide’ frameworks, it is important for university leaders to work at suicide awareness, prevention and response, and to reinforce a culture of compassion.
Mental health researchers based at Queen’s University in Canada and Oxford University in the U.K. are helping universities take the lead in developing improved student mental health care.
The suicides this week of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain shocked and saddened many. And the news was disturbing. Why is it so hard to know who might commit suicide?