Some patients report that SSRIs are helpful – even essential – in the management of mental health. Others, however, complain of being turned into zombies. Psychotherapy is an effective alternative.
Research decisions made by clinical psychologists in the 1970s can help explain why so many people, myself included, struggle to make sense of our obsessional thoughts.
Steven Berkowitz, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Millions of young people in the US are suffering, whether from abuse at home, pressure from social media or exposure to violence. But navigating the mental health care system can be disheartening.
Many stressors may be coming from interactions with technology: small but frequent frustrations that quickly dissipate, but when added up trigger digital distress.
New Zealand’s acute mental health facilities are not fit for purpose. Although many inpatients are grateful for medication, they lament the lack of access to psychologists and therapeutic activities.
Pharmacists develop basic mental health knowledge as part of their formal training. But they report a lack the confidence about raising mental health issues with patients.
Research on the impacts on schooling of COVID and bushfire and flood disasters has found academically the kids are mostly OK. It’s their well-being and recovery from trauma that demand our attention.
The rate of very high psychological distress is rising most steeply in the middle aged, especially in middle-aged women on low incomes. New funding should match this need.
Psychologists have mental health difficulties and illnesses at the same rate as the general population – but the profession has long stigmatized talking about them in public.
Our research investigates the connections among mental health, holistic well-being and relational virtues – ideas that many people think of as ethical or religious.