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Narcissism is the current favoured scapegoat for our interpersonal and social ills. Beks

Why are we so obsessed with self-obsession?

Narcissism is the current favoured scapegoat for our interpersonal and social ills. But guess what? We are all infected – especially you!
time pressure may be a better way to define work-life balance. Image sourced

Time pressure may be a better way to measure work-life balance

A work-life-family balance is highly valued by most workers and employers now realise they need to offer flexible arrangements such as reduced hours, flexi-time or telework (working from home). Workplace…
Australian parliaments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or its cousin, assisted suicide. tommaso lizzul/Shutterstock

Why Australia hesitates to legalise euthanasia

The Australian public supports legalising euthanasia and bills are introduced into state parliaments every year. Yet governments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or assisted suicide.
A new exhibition examines the meaning and enduring influence of the colour blue. National Gallery of Victoria

Feeling blue? Get acquainted with the history of a colour

Blue crops up in all sorts of idioms and registers. But, as a new National Gallery of Victoria exhibition demonstrates, there’s more to the colour, and its long history, than meets the eye.
Housing developers want to make a profit by maximising land value, but this presents a problem for affordable housing. AAP/Paul Miller

Increasing land supply isn’t the answer to the affordable housing problem

An increase in land supply is the usual solution put forward to solve the housing affordability crisis. What proponents of this argument fail to mention is that you need an industry prepared to deliver…
Disadvantaged children find schools increasingly irrelevant to their lives.

Why is school not working for so many young people?

Australian education fails one in four young people. It is time we started exploring why school is not working for increasing numbers of disadvantaged children.
Let them eat cake, but remember: food has a political life of its own. ABC

Recipes for racism? Kitchen Cabinet and the politics of food

Kitchen Cabinet’s staging of “casual” food preparation with the nation’s most powerful people reproduces a culture of white Australian entitlement to master and consume any and every cultural product.
You can feel the weight of an object on Earth because of its mass. But what is mass? Flickr/Jeremy Brooks

Explainer: what is mass?

We talk about mass all the time but what is it that actually gives an object mass? And why do some things have mass and others have no mass at all?
A company’s homepage will tell you more about its core values than any “social responsibility” statement. Brian A. Johnson/

A simple greenwash detection tip: check what the firm puts on its homepage

Do companies really mean it when they talk about being socially responsible? Judging by their mission statements and homepages, it seems increasingly that resources firms do, but many retailers don’t.