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The yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti isn’t put off by this ‘mosquito repellent’ wrist band. Cameorn Webb

Health Check: do wrist bands work to repel mozzies?

While slipping on a wrist band or sticking on a patch may be an attractive alternative, they’re unlikely to provide any substantial protection from biting mosquitoes.

Full reply from Luke Formosa

When asked by The Conversation for a source to support his assertion that findings from the Netherlands Euthanasia Report in 2014 indicate that 550 newborn babies with diseases or disabilities were killed…

Full response from Andrew Denton

When The Conversation asked Andrew Denton to provide sources to support his assertion, he sent the following email: We checked official published reports and sought interviews with primary sources to test…
Understanding the DNA of tumours allows researchers to target treatment to each individual. Erika/Flickr

How cancer doctors use personalised medicine to target variations unique to each tumour

Personalised medicine is based on the idea that by understanding the specific molecular code of a person’s disease, and particularly its genetic makeup, we can more accurately tailor treatment.
Have questions about robots and artificial intelligence? Shutterstock

Your questions answered on artificial intelligence

Is genuine artificial consciousness possible? Should we protect jobs from automation? Your questions on AI and robots answered here.
Fighting back can risk serious injury. But if a student is placed in real physical danger, it may need to be considered as an option.

Fighting back may stop some children from being bullied

Hitting back may prevent further aggression if it is done calmly and competently, but if the child is highly emotional, fighting back will make matters worse.
Green space and infrastructure are consistently high on the public’s list of priorities, but urban planning has struggled to incorporate their value. Wang Song/from

How green is our infrastructure? Helping cities assess its value for long-term liveability

When communities are surveyed, green infrastructure is usually high on their list of urban planning priorities. But until now planners have lacked tools to quantify the long-term benefits.
Appearances are deceiving: the Gold Coast has a reputation as the capital of sophisticated “boiler room” investment scams. Flickr/Aristocrats-hat

Boiler room scams destroy lives yet police blame victims

Victims of slick “boiler room” scams are typified as naive - even by police - but the reality is very different.