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We are already connected in many ways through technology, and we’re about to get a lot more connected. Flickr/kris krug

Are we ready for a world even more connected in the Internet of Things?

Imagine a world that’s even more connected technologically than ours today. It’s coming soon and the Australian Communications and Media Authority wants to know if we’re ready for it.
Following a sustained and vocal campaign by the arts sector, the National Program for Excellence in the Arts has been canned. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Out with the NPEA, in with Catalyst: expert response

Following a sustained and vocal campaign by the arts sector, the controversial National Program for Excellence in the Arts has been rethought and renamed. Should we be celebrating or concerned?
Around 20% of Australians are not insured against disasters, and even a quarter of those who do may be under-covered. AAP Image/Jason Webster

Properties under fire: why so many Australians are inadequately insured against disaster

As the fire season returns, insurance claims against disasters will only increase. But new research suggests that under-insurance is a major problem facing many Australian households.
Protests at climate talks in New York in 2014. EPA/ANDREW KELLY

Timeline: UN climate negotiations

1988 marked the first call for climate action from the scientific community. Nearly 30 years later it’s been a bumpy ride.
Malcolm Turnbull’s trivialisation of the communications bungle over the 99-year lease of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese-owned company may not go down well with the US. EPA/Mast Irham

Grattan on Friday: Turnbull jokes about communications failure over Darwin port, but no laughing matter to US

One can only speculate how the discussion would have gone if Tony Abbott had survived as prime minister long enough to meet Barack Obama during this week’s summit circuit.
The fire season is well underway in southern Australia. AAP Image/Carolyn Sainty

How to prepare your home for a bushfire – and when to leave

Australians are still underprepared for bushfires. And with fire seasons getting longer thanks to climate change we need to look at why people are still dying in fires, and what you can do to get prepared.
Broken heart syndrome is a real thing. from

Fact or fiction: can we die from a broken heart?

Dying of a broken heart is more than a myth. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, also known as Broken Heart Syndrome, was first recognised by Japanese researchers over 20 years ago.