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Feeling content means having a deep-seated, abiding acceptance of oneself and one’s worth, together with a sense of self-fulfilment, meaning and purpose. James Theophane/Flickr

Happiness is an illusion, here’s why you should seek contentment instead

Happiness might seem like a worthy goal but it will invariably be disrupted by unwelcome negative feelings. Far better to seek contentment, which can serve as a foundation for both joy and pleasure.
The latest season of Orange is the New Black is currently screening on Showcase – but do female showrunners get treated in the same way as their male counterparts? Showcase

Orange is the New Black, True Detective and the gender problem on prestige TV

There’s more prestige than ever on our screens – but there’s also gender problem both in terms of the reception of female-centred shows – and the treatment of female creator-showrunners.
The smiling face of the person serving you is an important part of the retail experience that makes customers want to come back for more. Shutterstock/Ikonoklast Fotografie

Why business suddenly cares about staff being happy

A more likely reason for businesses’ current interest in happiness and wellbeing has to do with cold hard economics and shifts in the labour force. Happiness, in short, is good for business.
Persecution based on a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex variation is recognised as a legitimate ground for seeking refugee status. AAP/Terry Scott

Out of the frying pan and into the fire: the plight of LGBTI refugees

It is estimated that there are 175 million LGBTI persons living in persecutory environments worldwide. Only around 2500 asylum claims founded on sexual orientation or gender identity are successful annually.
Our individual happiness, the quality of our relationships and community well-being are closely interconnected. Shutterstock/Rawpixel

Pursuing happiness: it’s mostly a matter of surviving well together

We now know that we cannot spend our way to happiness nor pursue it as an individual goal. It turns out that happiness is built on the foundations of good relationships and broad well-being.
Our current focus on the drug ice takes the spotlight away from the harms of excessive alcohol use, which is actually a bigger problem in Australia. Photographer/Flickr

Focus on illicit drugs puts Australia’s drinking problem on ice

Alcohol-related violence is a much bigger problem in Australia than the harms of illicit drugs but we tend to overlook the former because the latter gets more headlines.
Mark Butler talks about climate change, ETS, an early election, and much more. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Politics podcast: Mark Butler on climate change

Mark Butler
Michelle Grattan talks to Labor environment spokesman Mark Butler about climate change, an ETS, the possibility of an early election, the ALP national conference and much more.
Libertarians have a deeply atomising picture about communities, states, even about what it is to be human. Ars Electronica/Flickr

Is the ‘nanny state’ so bad? After all, voters expect governments to care

David Leyonhjelm’s parliamentary inquiry into what he calls “the nanny state” reflects a view of human beings as essentially independent individuals. But that’s not kind of society most of us want.
If a way ahead on constitutional recognition is to be forged, it must be through political leadership and genuine public consultation. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Leadership is key to breaking the impasse on constitutional recognition

The parliamentary committee’s report highlights the deep division between those who want to advance Indigenous recognition through minimal constitutional change and those who seek more substantive reform.
The Academy Award-winning penguins in Happy Feet sit in a long and distinguished history of Australian animation. AAP/Roadshow

From ads to Oscar winners: a century of Australian animation

This year marks the centenary of Australian animation. Alongside some memorable international successes, animation has long been significant to the industry.