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Most of us know little about the experiences of people who are drawn to the multimillion dollar surrogacy industry. Mike Reys

Origins of Love: the reality and ethics of reproductive tourism

Assisted reproductive technology has grown significantly in Australia as in other countries and hundreds of thousands of children have now been born because of it around the world. Most of us know people…
Online education might not cut it for students who want quality learning and more access to staff. Student image from

What students want and how universities are getting it wrong

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, Victoria University’s…
Local Government minister Simon Crean is set to dump a promised referendum of constitutional recognition for councils. AAP/Alan Porrit

Constitutional recognition for councils: a better governed Australia

Few oppose constitutional recognition of local government as a concept. Indeed, while the current debate concerns recognition in the federal constitution, local government has been readily accepted in…
Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our own sun and appears to be home to at least one planet. EPA/Davide De Martin/ESO

Alpha Centauri exoplanet is the closest ever – how was it found?

Earlier this week, a Swiss-based team searching for planets outside our solar system (exoplanets) published a paper in Nature announcing the detection of an Earth-mass planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri…
Hands up who wants to go to a private school? Barack Obama visits an elementary school in Silver Springs, Maryland. EPA/Chip Somodevilla

US elections: do school vouchers work?

Most Americans agree that public education in their country is broken. The infrastructure of thousands of schools is decaying, scores on standardised tests are stagnant, and roughly 1.2 million students…
Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans says it’s a “ridiculous proposition” to suggest funding freezes are driving research overseas. AAP

Research funding falls victim to short-term politics

The Federal Government’s freeze on research grants is damaging investment and recruitment by universities, and is part of a broader trend making funding predictability a thing of the past says Universities…
Nine CEO David Gyngell has secured a lifeline for the ailing television network. AAP

Debt deal saves Channel Nine — for now

Channel Nine is a station of two tales. The first is the positive story its viewers see: smiling in-house celebrities, reliable newsreaders, and blockbuster programs such as House Husbands, The Voice…
What should the UCI do to move cycling on from the Lance Armstrong affair? EPA/Guillaume Horcajuelo

‘Dopers’ and the rest: a case for splitting professional cycling

More than a week after the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) published 1,000 pages of testimony and anecdotal evidence implicating Lance Armstrong in a controversial doping scandal, the saga is still far from…
Green has become the new black for some companies, but often there is more at play than environmental consciousness. davesag/flickr

Greenwash: a critical exposé highlights need for action

Civilisation is doomed. If Guy Pearse’s Greenwash doesn’t convince you of this then you’re a more optimistic person than me. That, or you’ve been led down one of the most dangerous marketing blind-alleys…
Health and transport authorities should focus on helping older drivers to drive safely for longer. Older driver image from

Getting older drivers off the road won’t solve safety problems

When an older driver has a crash with tragic consequences, there are calls for stricter licensing controls to detect “unfit” drivers and take their licences away, typically focusing on those aged 75 or…
Macquarie is changing its definition of misogyny… but it still applies to the leader of the opposition. AAP/Pan Macmillan

Tony Abbott is a misogynist, however the dictionary defines it

As an academic, I often become obsessed with the meaning of words. They lure me in with their conceptual promise, and then I get hooked and tangled on distinctions and disciplinary nuance. Perhaps unsurprisingly…
Communication is a vital skill for university graduates, but in the move to online education we could be selling students short. Communication image from

A little bit more conversation: the limits of online education

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, Shirley Alexander from…
After the High Court case involving ASIC and Fortescue Metals, the ASX has released a Guidance Note that provides more clarification on continuous disclosure for listed companies. AAP

ASX makes a timely revision to continuous disclosure guidelines

Investor confidence is an obvious imperative of corporate legislation. Section 674 of the Corporations Act, which requires disclosure of information concerning securities that is not generally available…
2GB staff involved in producing Jones’ show will have to attend training in factual accuracy. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

A very naughty parrot: ACMA sends Alan Jones back to school

Alan Jones will have to go to accuracy school. Reread that sentence a few times. Still can’t quite believe it? Today the Australian Communication and Media Authority released the terms of its agreement…
The High Court decision is not a quirk of Antipodean constitutional law, as alleged by British American Tobacco. AAP

The High Court and the Marlboro Man: the plain packaging decision

The High Court of Australia’s ruling on the plain packaging of tobacco products is one of the great constitutional cases of our age. The ruling will resonate throughout the world - as other countries will…
The energy sector has been making its own rules for too long. John Koetsier

An electrifying inquiry could bring power sector to account

The Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices inquiry may finally bring the electricity sector to account. After five public hearings around Australia, a clear story is emerging. The key contributors…
The UK’s recent rail fiasco shows outsourcing isn’t always the answer. EPA/Andy Rain

To outsource or not to outsource? It all depends…

As governments increasingly come under fiscal stress, many leap at the opportunity to cut costs by outsourcing services. The current flurry of activity around outsourcing, gaining much attention in the…
How should we measure the size of the Australian economy? AAP

Punching above our weight: sizing up Australia’s economy

Treasurer Wayne Swan recently noted that Australia now has the world’s twelfth largest economy. This suggests it has moved up three places during Labor’s period of office, and regained the three places…
Australia is not starving, but we do have major food distribution issues (and diet-driven health problems). N Sawyer/Flickr

Australia and the global scramble for natural resources

Last week saw national and international media attention on events unfolding in Parliament House. But another function in that magnificent building was arguably of much greater long-term importance — the…
Representing foetuses as “babies” can have a serious impact on women’s access to contraception and abortion. Trevor Bair

Hilarious or horrifying? Foetuses Photoshopped onto bellies

I was both delighted and confused when I saw a discussion of a new “trend” in pregnancy pictures on STFU, Parents, a US blog that pokes fun at people who “overshare” information about parenting through…
Online education may mean more stress and workload for academics, not less. Stressed academic image from

Online education at the coalface: what academics need to know

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, ANU’s Rod Lamberts and…
The Armstrong affair is a wake-up call for those who govern professional sport. oeflintham

The Lance Bomb has blown, but is doping really cheating?

Should Lance Armstrong lose his seven Tour de France titles for doping, as is being proposed by the US Anti-doping Agency (USADA)? It’s an issue that puts the UCI – the international cycling union – and…
President Obama gave a much improved performance in the second of three presidential debates. EPA/Win McNamee

US presidential debate: Obama gets his game on

The president probably wished he could have taken the shot again after his listless debate performance two weeks ago. There are no do-overs in politics. But then, in the second debate in New York, he just…