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It’s unlikely the war hero would be fazed by Styne’s comments, but the public was appalled. AAP/Martin Philbey/Australian War Memorial

Yumi and Ben: the militarisation of Australia and the democratisation of hate

Last week the world became a very scary place for television host Yumi Stynes when she quipped that Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith, looking buffed, ripped and tattooed in a public…
Treats are great to share, provided you have the owner’s permission. Kalexanderson

An invincible file-sharing platform? You can’t be serious

A new version of the peer-to-peer sharing application Tribler has created a buzz online following claims by the software’s lead developer that the app is impervious to attack. In a recent interview with…
Look out! They’re poisonous! AAP

Why don’t we cuddle funnel-webs?

Consider two furry Australian animals: the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and the Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus). Both icons in their own way, both live only in Australia and both were…
Knowing the dose of the tablet means overdoses are less common than with heroin. d ab d z/Flickr

What Australia should do about prescription opioid misuse

Consumption of slow-release prescription opioids has been increasing in Australia for about two decades. Now, the federal government has said it will set up a new $5 million national electronic records…
Wayne Swan outlined his economic vision for Australia at the National Press Club today. AAP/Alan Porritt

Sorry Clive Palmer, Wayne Swan’s vision is better for Australia

Australians are in a unique place today – we are witnessing our democracy being called to account. The nature of Australian democracy is being debated by on the one hand, its Treasurer and on the other…
Neither organic nor conventional food is nutritionally any better or worse for you. Smaku

Monday’s medical myth: organic food is more nutritious

Across the world, outbreaks of food-borne illness, contamination and environmental scares have generated a lot of media attention and plenty of fear around food safety. Think of the recent E. coli outbreaks…
You might not be getting enough shut-eye (and you may not even know it). orangeacid

Dream appzzz: can the iPhone help you sleep?

Sleep matters – and yet many of us know how difficult it can be to get enough unbroken slumber. Research has shown that getting less than seven to eight hours’ sleep daily is associated with increased…
The aftermath of a car bombing in Mogadishu in February, blamed on Al-Shabab. EPA/Elyas Ahmed

What the al Shabab-al Qaeda merger means for Australia

Al Qaeda’s recent acquisition of the Somali militant group al Shabab as its newest franchise has been dismissed in some circles as a propaganda ploy, and a play for relevance by two groups on the decline…
The High Court decision against Palm Island rioter, Lex Wotton highlights concerns about how little our constitution does to protect us. AAP Image/Ian Hitchcock

Silencing Lex Wotton: Palm Island riot decision a blow for freedom of speech

When a prisoner has served their time, it’s difficult to understand why they would be stopped from engaging in public debate or communicating with the media. But a new precedent has been set by the High…
It’s time for a change in the way we categorise life on Earth. ஆ ன ந் த ம் / a n a n d h a m

DNA barcoding: a better way to discover species

It might surprise you to learn that the idea of a “species” is one of the more ambiguous concepts in science. Originally, “species” (meaning “kind” or “sort” in Latin) was used to refer to organisms that…
Children’s brains are plastic and sensitive to their environments. annagarcia

Nature and nurture: why do boys and girls behave differently?

New evidence is emerging that confirms what parents and children have reported for generations: boys and girls behave differently, and parenting practices vary depending on the gender of the child. Boys…
What would Marx (left) and Engels say about capitalism’s current predicament? Marcio Cabral de Moura

Marxism versus the mainstream: rethinking the economic crisis

The current economic crisis has renewed interest in alternative economic ideas. Most conspicuously, Keynesianism has returned from the margins. Unfortunately, particularly in Europe, policymakers quickly…
Former Federal court judge Roy Finkelstein (centre) has delivered his media inquiry report. AAP/Dean Lewins

Finkelstein inquiry report cause for ‘cautious optimism’

It was a pleasant surprise that the independent Australian media inquiry, examining print, online and the role of the self-regulatory body, the Australian Press Council, was, for the most part, a satisfying…
Former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein spent five months considering more than 60 submissions from 22 organisations. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

The Finkelstein Inquiry into media regulation: Experts respond

An independent inquiry has found that the way media is regulated in Australia is not rigorous enough to ensure accountability and transparency. It proposes that a new statutory body, the News Media Council…
Bob Carr is Australia’s new foreign minister after a cabinet reshuffle by Julia Gillard. ABC News24

Cabinet reshuffle: Gareth Evans on Bob Carr

Prime Minister Julia Gillard today delivered a political surprise by announcing former NSW premier Bob Carr as Foreign Minister in her reshuffled cabinet. Carr takes over from Kevin Rudd, who returns to…
The “post-birth abortion” argument doesn’t hold. Paqman

There’s no good argument for infanticide

Philosophers Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva have received an avalanche of abusive comments and emails following the publication of their paper on “post-birth abortion” in last week’s Journal of…
There’s more to this Act than environmental protection. Cam Pervan/Flickr

The Wild Rivers Act controversy

The debates and controversy around the Wild Rivers legislation can be perplexing. As John Holmes has argued, the Act’s significance stems from “the durability and intractability” of pre-existing contests…