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Articles on Physical activity

Displaying 61 - 80 of 207 articles

Many women feel there is inadequate support for exercise after the birth of a child, stating a need for more information from health-care professionals about guidelines for returning to physical activity. (Shutterstock)

Returning to exercise postpartum: Supporting women’s physical activity after the birth of a child

When asked about postpartum exercise, women were curious about strategies and recommendations for physical activity after the birth of a child, including finding the time, energy and motivation.
Giving kids time outside for physical and social activity helps them get ready to learn. Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

How recess helps students learn

The physical activity and social connection that take place at recess help children be more engaged once back in the classroom.
Health goals are among the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but failing to stick to them is so common that it has become a cliché. (Shutterstock)

Got health goals? Research-based tips for adopting and sticking to new healthy lifestyle behaviours

Over half of people who intend to make healthy lifestyle changes fail to do so. Understanding the automatic tendencies that prevent people from enacting a new health habit can help them stick to it.
Exercise spurs the release of the body’s natural cannabinoids, which have myriad benefits for mental health and stress relief. Luca Sage/Stone via Getty Images

The ‘runner’s high’ may result from molecules called cannabinoids – the body’s own version of THC and CBD

A growing body of research points to the body’s natural cannabinoid system as the primary driver behind the runner’s high – and the mental health boost and stress relief following exercise.
Many workplace fitness facilities — like standing desks, on-site gyms and showers, and easy access to walking paths — are mostly available to white-collar, higher-income workers who already face fewer barriers to exercise outside of work. (Shutterstock)

Workplaces can help promote exercise, but job conditions remain a major hurdle

To get more workers to be active, public health messaging must recognize the important role employers can play in creating the conditions for workers to focus on exercise.
Aboriginal All Stars at Football Park, Darwin. Stephen Cherry/AAP

Sport and physical activity play important roles for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, but there are barriers to participation

Physical activity and sport are important in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. However, there are barriers to these activities for some communities. How can this be addressed?

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