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Artículos sobre Indonesia

Mostrando 421 - 440 de 975 artículos

A disabled farmer with his buffaloes at a rice field in Vietnam. The latest data show the exclusion of people with disability from the workforce results in a loss of potential GDP of between 3% and 7% per year.

Six problems that exclude disabled people in Indonesia from public life

The failures to implement inclusive policy stem from various barriers created by both individuals and the government.
A view of ruins in Marawi city, Lanao del Sur province, Philippines, on May 23 2018. Exactly a year earlier, IS terrorists belonging to the Maute and the Abu Sayyaf groups occupied Marawi, triggering a five-month armed conflict that resulted in over a thousand deaths and left the city in ruins. Linus Escandor II/EPA

Using religion and culture to fight terrorism: lessons from the Philippine military

Indonesia can also apply strategies implemented by the Philippine government to counteract terrorism and radicalism.
The free trade agreement with Indonesia, which Australia originally. hoped would be signed this week when Morrison was in Singapore for the start of the summit season, has become hostage to the embassy decision. Mick Tskias/AAP

Grattan on Friday: Morrison government brings back memories of McMahon days

The fundamental point is that those were desperate days for the Coalition and so are these. “McMahon was in survival mode,” says author Patrick Mullins. The same could be said of Morrison.
After a positive start, Morrison’s relations with his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo, cooled off after he suggested moving the Australian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Lukas Coch/AAP

In his first major foreign policy test, Morrison needs to stick to the script

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has a busy summit season ahead of him. After early foreign policy stumbles, it’s important he reads his briefs, listens to the diplomats and stays humble.
After his Monday meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Turnbull made it clear how off-the-cuff the Morrison announcement looked – in contrast to his own administration’s policy. Made Nagi/AAP

View from The Hill: When you’re not PM but behave like you are

An observer – or the Indonesians - might ask: would the real prime minister please stand up?
An illustration of life in Aru Islands from The Malay Archipelago Wallace, Alfred Russel via Wikimedia Commons

How many people helped Alfred Russel Wallace?

More than a thousand local people helped Alfred Russel Wallace in his eight year voyage collecting specimens of animals in the Malay archipelago.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrive for high tea at the Grand Garden of Bogor Presidential Palace south of Jakarta. Lukas Coch/AAP

How will Australia’s plan to move its embassy to Jerusalem affect relations with Indonesia?

If their trade deal is delayed, this will not only create a huge loss for the Australian and Indonesian economies but also change foreign policy dynamics between the two countries.
One of the minors reunites with family and friends in Rote, East Nusa Tenggara, after being released from Australian prison. Antje Missbach

Compensating underage people smugglers from Indonesia for their unlawful treatment in Australia

Efforts to claim compensation for Indonesian minors who were caught manning boats that smuggled asylum seekers to Australia may end up failing if the Australian government continues to resist.

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