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Artículos sobre Mali

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 174 artículos

Canadian and German troops take part in a Canadian flag-raising ceremony as the first Canadian troops arrived at a UN base in Gao, Mali, in June 2018. Was the initiative just an exercise in box-checking for Justin Trudeau’s government? THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Is Canada back on the world stage — or irrelevant?

Far from Canada being back as a major player on the world stage, its presence has been diminished under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Parents of students abducted from Bethel Baptist High School, Kaduna State, north-west Nigeria, pray inside the school premises. Kola Sulaimon/AFP via Getty Images

Violent extremism could beckon in north-western Nigeria if local dynamics are ignored

To stem the tide of violent extremism across the Sahel region, especially northwest Nigeria, the vulnerabilities and grudges of border communities need to be properly addressed.
The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) supports the transitional authorities of Mali in the stabilization of the country. After nine years in Mali the Yérèwolo movement demands its withdrawal. AFP

Amid popular opposition, is the UN’s peacekeeping mission in Mali doomed?

Mali’s ruling junta, which has already secured the end of France’s Barkhane operation and has largely moved closer to Moscow, is now targeting the UN mission in the country, the Minusma.
A classroom burnt during a typical outbreak of eco-violence in Okolo-Agatu, Benue State, north central Nigeria. Emmanuel Arewa/AFP via Getty Images

Herder-farmer conflict in the Sahel needs a new description: why ‘eco-violence’ fits

Labels that emphasise the social identities of the contending parties not only impede efforts to comprehend their causes but also obscure their vast dimensions.

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