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Artículos sobre Meditation

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 110 artículos

Thich Nhat Hanh leads a walking meditation in Paris. Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What is walking meditation?

The late Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh popularized the contemplative practice around the world.
Prayer apps can help guide spiritual practices and encourage people to set goals and stay on track. MangoStar_Studio/iStock via Getty Images

Prayer apps are flooding the market, but how well do they work?

A scholar of Christian spirituality argues that prayers are meant to bring together a faith community – something apps aren’t likely to achieve.
Dance and movement therapy not only holds promise for treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression but can also contribute lifelong coping skills. kate_sept2004/E+ via Getty Images

Dance and movement therapy holds promise for treating anxiety and depression, as well as deeper psychological wounds

The COVID-19 pandemic and a growing global refugee crisis have shone a light on the ever-increasing need for new approaches to mental health treatment.
Mindfulness refers to a mental state of focusing on the present moment. (Pexels/Oluremi Adebayo)

Mindfulness meditation in brief daily doses can reduce negative mental health impact of COVID-19

A brief daily practice of mindfulness meditation not only contributes to a better mood, but it also helps protect against the negative mental health impact of news about COVID-19.

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