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Artículos sobre Meditation

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 110 artículos

Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can help students manage exam anxiety.

How to beat exam stress

The exam period can be a stressful time for students. Here are a few strategies to help students cope.
Research shows that some mindfulness-based interventions for psychotic symptoms can offer people insight into their experiences, and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. (Shutterstock)

How meditation can help sufferers of schizophrenia

Anti-psychotic drugs work well for only about 30 per cent of schizophrenia patients. Meditation can offer them a route to self-acceptance and reduced anxiety.
Members of the team who were rescued from a flooded cave prepare to be ordained to become Buddhist novices and monks. AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit

Why the rescued Thai soccer team has ordained as Buddhist novice monks

In Theravada Buddhism, ordaining to be a monk and donating the merit thus gained is one of the greatest honors that a person can give to another – in this case to the late Navy SEAL officer.
Many board games strengthen the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of the brains of players. This results in improved cognitive functions such as IQ, memory, information retention and problem-solving. (Shutterstock)

Play games with your kids this summer to boost their brains

From dyslexia, to dementia to schizophrenia, there is evidence that playing games can help, while boosting family connections and emotional wellbeing.
Thai monks pray during a cleansing ceremony and memorial service for Saman Gunan, the Thai SEAL diver who died while trying to rescue the boys trapped in the cave. AP Photo/Vincent Thian

The rescued Thai boys are considering becoming monks — here’s why

In Theravada Buddhism, ordaining to be a monk and donating the merit thus gained is one of the greatest honors that a person can give to another - in this case to the Navy SEAL officer, who died.
Research shows that just 10 minutes of meditation per day can increase business students’ physical, mental and emotional awareness. (Shutterstock)

The many benefits of meditation in the classroom

Classroom meditation shows promise for improving student attention, focus, happiness and self-awareness.
Followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh embrace during a meditation session at Rajneeshpuram. AP Photo/Bill Miller

I did research at Rajneeshpuram, and here is what I learned

A scholar visited Rajneeshpuram and met the many highly accomplished men and women who became devotees of the controversial guru. What brought them to the spiritual community, and what made them stay?
Modern citizenship in the West increasingly involves a duty to care for ourselves — to eat healthily, exercise enough and even screen ourselves for disease — to minimize our health-care costs to the state. (Shutterstock)

Made health resolutions for 2020? You might not be living a free life

Are your new diet, exercise, meditation and self-care resolutions for 2020 really a personal choice? Or are you a model western “biocitizen,” living a life of unfreedom?

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