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Artículos sobre Part-time work

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Statistics Canada reports that more than one million Canadians lost their job in the first month of the coronavirus pandemic, but the official figures don’t reflect the true impact on workers. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Official unemployment numbers don’t show the true crisis for workers affected by coronavirus

The difficulty governments have had in meeting the needs of Canadian workers impacted by the coronavirus crisis has exposed holes in our social safety net and the inadequacy of existing labour laws.
A mother in a low-income family can lose 85-95% of her earnings from working more days to income tax, loss of benefits and childcare costs. riopatuca/Shutterstock

Mothers have little to show for extra days of work under new tax changes

An 85-95% effective marginal tax rate means the second earner in a low-income family can increase from two days’ work a week to three, four or five days and be better off by only about $4,000 a year.
Governments face disruption by the private sector and social unrest unless they embrace new technology. Here, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau meets a robot in Edmonton last May as others look on. ( THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson)

Technology will make today’s government obsolete and that’s good

Government is about to be disrupted by technology in the same manner as major industries. It’s about time.
Approximately 15% of employed people whose main job is in arts or recreation services industries have more than one job.

Three charts on: who holds more than one job to make ends meet

We can expect to see a rise in part-time employed people using second jobs as a solution to insufficient hours in their main job.
Part-time roles become difficult if that employee is the only source of knowledge, contact or sign-off.

More of us could work in part-time roles if they were designed better

Businesses are not considering that roles need to be redesigned to be part-time and this causes problems in managing employees’ workloads and interacting with other employees.
Since 2001, the proportion of full-time workers who believe they will not be with their current employer has been stable at about 7.5%; and the rate for part-time workers has decreased from 15.5 to 12.6%. Dave Hunt/AAP

Workers are actually feeling less insecure in their jobs

Data show that people don’t feel more insecure in their jobs now. In fact, that feeling is decreasing.
Gig workers saw their work as flexible but also with its risks. Reynaldo Vasconcelos/Newzulu/AAP

‘The way they manipulate people is really saddening’: study shows the trade-offs in gig work

A study shows the reality of gig worker experiences is far more nuanced than enjoying flexible work or being exploited.
Hospitality workers, along with fast food and retail workers, will have Sunday and public holiday rates cut under the decision. Lukas Coch/AAP

Cutting Sunday penalty rates will hurt young people the most

The Fair Work Commission’s latest decision to cut certain Sunday and public holiday penalty rates continues a tradition of undervaluing young workers.

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