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Cory Bernadi has received a slap in the Coalition party room. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott gets a little help from his sister in the family debate

As Liberal MP Ewen Jones walked out of the Coalition parties meeting, Tony Abbott gave him a pat on the back and some praise. “Well said,” the PM told the Queensland backbencher. Jones had just delivered…
Tony Abbott is trying to switch the focus from a Qantas debt guarantee to the repeal of the carbon tax. AAP/Alan Porritt

Grattan on Friday: Qantas not such a special case in Abbott’s eyes

Hardly a week goes by, it seems, when there is not some fresh announcement of job shedding. Qantas’s loss of 5000 is the latest blow. But amid the gloom on Thursday, Tony Abbott optimistically reaffirmed…
Audio engenders a visceral response in listeners, engaging both head and heart. CHRISSPdotCOM

A word in your ear: how audio storytelling got sexy

In a cultural milieu dominated by long-form television dramas such as Breaking Bad and Madmen, how has the apparently simple activity of audio storytelling gained such clout? In the US, documentary radio…
Tony Abbott has tried to ride out the pressure from Indonesia with repeated references to his commitment to the relationship. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Grattan on Friday: Abbott will need to make those words good

The most extraordinary intervention in a disastrous week for Australian-Indonesian relations came out of the blue. Who could have anticipated the provocative tweeting by Liberal party pollster Mark Textor…

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