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Artículos sobre Science and innovation for development

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 222 artículos

Elephants express many extra genes derived from the critical tumour suppressor gene TP53. Stephen Tan/Flickr

What elephants teach us about cancer prevention

Elephants naturally avoid cancer after 55 million years of evolution. Scientists are studying if they can extract lessons that could help people.
A young girl with malaria rests in the inpatient ward of a health centre in the South Sudan. Reuters/Adriane Ohanesian

What Africa still needs to do to eliminate malaria

Eliminating malaria in Africa has been held back by a range of factors, including a lack of funds and drug and insecticide resistance challenges.
The public in Sierra Leone was proactive in reporting suspected Ebola cases. Reuters/Luc Gnago

Ebola virus response: experiences and lessons from Sierra Leone

The power to overcoming Ebola was in public awareness by performing simple yet basic infection prevention and control measures like washing hands, isolation and reporting suspected cases.

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