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Artículos sobre Scotland

Mostrando 481 - 500 de 648 artículos

Without official polls, we’d be reduced to reading cakes for clues. EPA/Andy Rain

Ban pre-election opinion polls at your peril

I really thought we might make it. We’d got past the publication of YouGov’s potentially constitution-changing poll showing a minuscule lead for the Yes campaign without anyone grabbing for an easy headline…
Home to many Scots, including this Highland terrier, is now on the other side of the world in Australia. None of them get to vote but they are still deeply affected by Scotland’s independence referendum. Kelly Hunter/Flickr

Yes or No? The moment for Scots when extremes of their being meet

The upcoming referendum in Scotland is premised on a simple “yes” or “no” vote: should Scotland be an independent country? Except it’s not so simple. It’s a deeply personal question for the nation and…
Ed just faded away. Andrew Matthews/PA Archive/Press Association Images

How Scottish referendum could push English politics to the right

The difficult-to-predict nature of what a Yes vote in the Scottish referendum would mean is, in part, what makes the possibility so fascinating, so exciting and so scary. It seems, to a large degree, a…
Can the genie be put back in the bottle? Andrew Milligan/PA

Scotland Decides ’14: if No wins, what happens next?

Will the heady blend of Westminster love-bombing, ominous corporate warnings and a saltire flag over Downing Street be enough to persuade the Scots to come back into the fold? We have already looked at…
Gordon Brown has lead way in proposing a new deal for Scots in the event of a No. Danny Lawson/PA

Scotland will not be offered devo max after a No vote – here’s why

In the current debate on independence, journalists and commentators regularly claim that “devo max” is the favoured option of a majority of the Scottish people, and some express an expectation that this…
Scotland has lit a fire under sterling. mudricky

Sterling may take a pounding whatever Scotland decides

While Edinburgh and London wrestle over the future of the pound, it has has been sinking. The slide (especially against the US dollar) is widely seen as a knee-jerk reaction to the possibility of Scotland…

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