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Artículos sobre STIs

Mostrando 41 - 54 de 54 artículos

Women would prefer a product that addresses multiple sexual and reproductive health risks at the same time. shutterstock

The all-in-one solution to sexual health is on its way

Scientists are developing various products that can provide contraception and protection from sexually transmitted infections and HIV at the same time.
Baby Boomer women are challenging ideas around what it means to grow old. Cesar Vargas/Flickr

Sex, desire and pleasure in later life: Australian women’s experiences

Older people, and particularly older women, are often thought of as being asexual or sexually undesirable. Although the particular age this is believed to happen varies somewhat in the popular imagination…
Technology has done away with the need to insert swabs into the male urethra and speculums into the vagina. Instead, blood and urine are tested. In Tune/Shutterstock

Health Check: the STI check-up – warts and all

Sexuality is a means of pleasure, fulfilment and intimate connection with other humans. But it can also be a source of anguish. So it’s perhaps no surprise that of all the areas in health care, the “STI…
Open for business but with fewer customers. Je@n

Britons have sex sooner, older, but less often

British sexual attitudes have come a long way from the prudish caricature but despite people losing their virginity earlier and the number of older people who are sexually active increasing, we’re having…

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