In Canada, where fewer than 10 per cent of kids regularly eat school-provided meals, parents, especially mothers, are left to juggle school lunches, often under major pressure.
For millennia, we’ve selectively bred our crop species to make the plants stronger and better yielding. But we’ll need a different approach to help our food plants weather the changes to come.
Just like fires can contaminate municipal water systems by melting pipes, farms’ and ranches’ water supply systems are at risk. A first-of-its-kind study after the Maui fires explores the harms.
Eating sustainably is more feasible than most realize. These four tips can help reduce the footprint of your kitchen while also helping you live a more healthy life.
The most comprehensive assessment yet of a powerful greenhouse gas shows which countries are driving the increase, and which ones are successfully cutting emissions.
The University of Cape Town’s new report on the impacts of climate change in South Africa found that heatwaves and water stress will affect jobs, deepen inequality, and increase gender-based violence.
The big question: Would climate engineering like sending reflective particles into the stratosphere or brightening clouds help reduce the national security risks of climate change or make them worse?
Muslims internationally fast during the day in the holy month. But largely-Islamic nations are feeling the effects of climate change, making life harder both during and outside of Ramadan.
In the face of growing social and environmental challenges, organizations in the food and agriculture sector are increasingly turning to nature for inspiration.
New research shows how university garden initiatives can help drive transformative change and nurture a new generation of environmental and socially conscious change-makers.
Understanding how key dietary nutrients move around the world within traded food gives us a better picture of global population health – and how the wealth gap between countries affects it.