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Access to small loans is getting easier, but not everyone is resilient enough to manage their finances. Image sourced from

Four reasons payday lending will still flourish despite Nimble’s $1.5m penalty

The payday lending sector is under scrutiny again after the Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s investigation into Nimble. After failing to meet responsible lending obligations, Nimble must…
It’s difficult to sleep when your legs are tap dancing under the sheets. from

Explainer: what is restless leg syndrome?

Restless leg syndrome is a common affliction characterised by uncomfortable feelings in the legs accompanied by an irresistible urge to move the legs to relieve the sensations.
The Division video games uses eye tracking technology to help target the enemy. Tobii EyeX/YouTube screengrab

How eye tracking gives players a new experience in video games

The ability to track where you are looking on screen opens up new options for video game players and developers. But is eye-tracking technology a gimmick or a game changer for the gaming industry?
Whose story are you telling? Neil Armfield’s The Secret River is a chronicle of colonialism. The Sydney Theatre Company/Heidrun Löhr

The Secret River, silences and our nation’s history

The stage version of The Secret River gives us a deeper sense of our history. But can understanding the past from different perspectives help us confront the inequalities that linger in our present?
Not just a wives’ tale: growing pains are common in kids. from

Health Check: are growing pains real?

Growing pains are the most common childhood musculoskeletal condition resulting in frequent visits to healthcare professionals.
A robot for an MP – who’d vote for that? Shutterstock/Mombo

Can we replace politicians with robots?

If a machine can write a speech for a politician, why not go the next step and replace the elected human with a programmed robot?
Australia has isolated sustainable development projects, like Adelaide’s Bowden precinct that got Princes Charles’ attention in 2015, but lacks an overarching commitment to sustainability. AAP

Times demand a Sustainable Development Commission to replace the Productivity Commission

The challenges we face demand profound changes in our thinking and priorities. Replacing the Productivity Commission with a National Sustainability Commission would help us make this paradigm shift.
The last census revealed that just over 60% of Australians identified as Christian, but only one in seven of those attended church regularly. Shutterstock

This Easter, churches will be praying for a rebirth

Church affiliation and attendance is on the wane in Australia – a trend that is unlikely to be reversed be the recent slew of sex abuse scandals.