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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Old weather diaries are becoming important in climate research. Linden Ashcroft/State Library of New South Wales

Delving through settlers’ diaries can reveal Australia’s colonial-era climate

High-quality climate records only go back to the start of the 20th century. But using handwritten letters, journals and tables, researchers have access to data going back to the 18th century.
Climate change is already delivering more extremes of wet and dry to the Pacific region. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG

Droughts and flooding rains already more likely as climate change plays havoc with Pacific weather

New research shows that global warming has already begun to exacerbate extremes of rainfall in the Pacific region – with more to come.
The rise of renewable energy is one reason the world is shifting away from coal. Wind turbine image from

We can still keep global warming below 2°C – but the hard work is about to start

Global emissions from fossil fuels have stalled. That puts us in the right place to keep warming below 2°C, but there’s plenty of work still to be done.