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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Sydney’s summer was the hottest on record. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Climate change’s signature was writ large on Australia’s crazy summer of 2017

New South Wales has just had its hottest summer on record – an event that was made 50 times more likely by humans’ impact on the climate.
Keep the climate in mind when you’re choosing what to plant. shutterstock

How do we keep gardening in the face of a changing climate?

Plant species are reacting to climate change by adapting or migrating to better conditions. But this is not an option for gardens, so gardeners will have to be smarter about what they plant and where.
Efforts to combat climate change are making extracting oil from areas like Canada’s tar sands fields more expensive. Emily Beament/PA Wire via AP

Are fossil fuel companies telling investors enough about the risks of climate change?

The Trump administration may reverse a recent push to require oil companies to disclose more information about climate change risks to investors. Is that a good thing?
Trump and the United Nations: a difficult relationship. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Can the United Nations adapt to Donald Trump?

Most of Trump’s positions go against the principles accepted by the United Nations. The new Secretary-General will have to try to find areas of mutual concern to work with the new US administration.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signs SB350 on Oct. 7, 2015. The bill calls for increasing the state’s renewable electricity use to 50 percent and doubling energy efficiency in existing buildings by 2030. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Will blazing a low-carbon path pay off for California?

California has set ambitious goals for cutting carbon emissions and shifting to a clean energy economy. How will this strategy affect the state’s huge economy? An economist weighs the evidence.