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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

We’ve come a long way since the agreement was formed in 2015. Stephane Mahe/Reuters

Paris climate agreement enters into force: international experts respond

Experts agree that a new era for climate policy here. But the hard work starts now.
Efforts to combat climate change are making extracting oil from areas like Canada’s tar sands fields more expensive. Emily Beament/PA Wire via AP

Should oil companies like Exxon be forced to disclose climate change risks?

The SEC and others are pressing Exxon to disclose more climate change risks to investors. But new research suggests shareholders are already pricing in those costs on their own.
When New South Wales burned in 2013, Tony Abbott was quick to point out that individual events can’t be attributed to climate change. But they can. AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy

Unnatural disasters: how we can spot climate’s role in specific extreme events

The science of attributing extreme weather events to human-induced climate change has evolved rapidly in recent years. But how we communicate it to the public has not kept pace with this advance.