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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

This direct air capture plant in Iceland was designed to capture 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Climeworks 2021 via AP Photos

How not to solve the climate change problem

A climate scientist looks at what works and some popular ideas that aren’t as cheap or effective as people hope.
In 2020, desert locus plague of biblical proportions darkened skies over the Horn of Africa. In part it was caused by high rainfall and flooding in areas usually spared by the insect. AFP

How trade regulations may be opening up a new era of sustainable growth in the Global South

Trade regulation by rich countries against pests and disease is gradually making its way into the less developed nations. On top of safer foods, new research shows this could also bring sustainable growth.
Older adults experiencing homelessness and housing insecurities are some of those most impacted by climate change. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Better emergency preparedness can protect older adults from climate change

Governments and organizations must listen to older adults’ experiences with extreme heat, flooding and wildfire smoke to create effective policies and programs
Health-care workers in Toronto protest the Canadian truckers convoy last February that was against vaccine mandates. (Shutterstock)

Understanding why people reject science could lead to solutions for rebuilding trust

To communicate scientific findings that are relevant to the public, science communicators need to understand how to overcome attitudes that are anti-science.