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Articles on Trade

Displaying 81 - 100 of 610 articles

The procession of ships in the Suez canal for its opening. Illustration from the magazine “The Illustrated London News, volume LV, November 18, 1869. DEA / BIBLIOTECA AMBROSIANA/Getty Images

The toll and toil it took to cleave the Suez Canal through the Egyptian desert

Prior to the mid-19th century, the Isthmus of Suez – the 125km strip of land that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea – was a quiet spot.
The Suez Canal on a normal day. Photo by Camille Delbos/Art In All of Us/Corbis via Getty Images

Top three take-away lessons from the Suez Canal blockage

Direct implications for maritime security are unlikely. But there will be ripple effects in the shipping industry and in many commercial sectors.
The success of Brazil’s vaccine program will have a ripple effect on countries to which it exports commodities such as steel. Michael Dantas/AFP via Getty Images

The $4 trillion economic cost of not vaccinating the entire world

The world’s most advanced economies will incur half the total costs associated with a failure to vaccinate poorer nations, which could exceed $4 trillion if only half their citizens are inoculated.
People queue for food aid south of Johannesburg. The impact of COVID-19 on people’s livelihoods has been severe. Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg via Getty Images

COVID-19 has hurt some more than others: South Africa needs policies that reflect this

South Africa’s economic recovery plan must focus on at least three areas: protecting vulnerable populations, supporting the vulnerable sectors and external trade diversification.

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