The damaging longer-term risk for Prime Minister Scott Morrison is that some people have re-thought their view of him over the sports grants saga and his missteps in handling the bushfires.
There is an obvious point upon which the LNP, Labor and Greens might agree to move policy forward: the national ‘cap and trade’ emissions trading system proposed by John Howard in 2007.
A crisis of this scale requires a willingness to listen to the best sources of advice and generate bipartisan consensus. But Morrison has struggled to put the national interest above party politics.
The Coalition government is stressing partnerships and accountability in its Indigenous policies, but PM Scott Morrison is actually taking a top-down approach and ignoring Indigenous advice.
Rather than asking, “How can we best address religious discrimination in Australia?”, Christian Porter is saying, “This is what we’re doing about religious discrimination; any objections?”.
Labor’s new policy process shouldn’t be rushed, but taking time inevitably leaves a vacuum, which Albanese will try to fill the space with a series of “vision statements”.
A Senate report details the high need for refugees on Manus Island and Nauru to be able to seek medical care in Australia. The fate of the medevac law now rests in Jacqui Lambie’s hands.
Following a deal with Hanson, some Queensland NSW Nationals were so furious that a leak canvassed mutterings about the possibility of a “spill” move against deputy leader Bridget McKenzie.
The latest proposals to amend the ABC Charter raise questions about media law reform. To be effective and sustainable, it needs to be strategic, not ad hoc and politicised.
Climate deniers have joyously laboured to create a world potentially uninhabitable for our children. Our activism has failed, and rebellion may be the only answer.
Because climate change is so heavily politicised, the declaration of a national emergency would be a disaster for the major parties – and for bringing greater awareness to the problem.
GetUp is already subject to the same type of regulation as a political party. By challenging its links to left-wing parties, though, the Coalition is seeking to strip away its claim of independence.
Question time is meant to be about accountability. But in practice, it is an opportunity for ministers to strut their stuff and for everyone to shout as loudly as they can.
According to election results, areas with low levels of tertiary education swung strongly to the Coalition in NSW and Queensland, helping propel Scott Morrison to victory.
After this election, the major parties will review their campaign strategies. It’s time the media did the same and found ways to improve their coverage for future campaigns.
While Scott Morrison has touted the record seven women in his cabinet, the overall representation of women in parliament has barely improved since the last election in 2016.