Emil Jeyaratnam, La Conversation Canada; Shelley Hepworth, La Conversation Canada et Justin Bergman, La Conversation Canada
Scott Morrison’s new ministry includes a few new faces and several new roles for familiar cabinet members. Our experts take a closer look at each portfolio.
Christian leaders warned of ‘persecution’ with a Labor government. Now that the Coalition has won the election, conservative Christians may demand Morrison deliver on more of their agenda.
Queensland has a proud place in Labor history. But the 2019 election shows the federal Labor Party no longer understands the issues that matter to Queensland voters.
Now that the Coalition has won the federal election, how will it meet its campaign promises on taxes, the environment, education, health and infrastructure?
The outcome is completely opposite to the polls, which all had Labor ahead going into the election, albeit narrowly and with some tightening during the campaign.
This result, which is vastly different from what opinion polls were indicating, shows the probability of “herding” in polls, and also emphasises that betting odds are to be treated with great caution.
Emil Jeyaratnam, La Conversation Canada; Amanda Dunn, La Conversation Canada; Shelley Hepworth, La Conversation Canada et Andrew Donegan, La Conversation Canada
How did the numbers of election 2019 fall across the country? And what seats are still in play?
Recent polling suggests the race is tightening. Then again, opinion polling suggested the recent Victorian state election would also be a close affair and it turned out to be a Labor landslide.
If someone asked the “real Scott Morrison to please stand up”, two men might rise to their feet. The uncompromising, don’t-give-an-inch hard Scott, and a more conciliatory, flexible character.
It remains to be seen whether the Liberals’ campaign woes in Lyons will have any impact on the neighbouring battleground seats of Bass or Braddon, which recent polls suggest the Liberals could regain.
The Christian Democratic Party in NSW could play a key role in the election by funnelling support from voters in electorates with large East Asian populations to the Liberal Party.
At this election there is a stark choice between the two major parties on industrial relations: the “small target” approach of the Coalition and the ALP’s more ambitious and detailed plan.
Inevitably much of the discussion and many of the clashes focused on money and tax – the conflicting arguments have been well rehearsed throughout the campaign.